Chapter 37: Take It Or Leave It?

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Mikha's Pov


That's the sound of the ball that was filling the whole gym since earlier. We don't have training today but I'm here, here to let out all of the frustrations. I can't keep them inside as they're completely eating me.

I can't confess. I thought I already had the courage to do so, turns out there's not even a little courage for me to do that. I hate myself. I hate myself for always being like this. For not being able to express what I feel. I envy other people who can freely do that.

"So... Why did we go here? Do you have something to say?" Aiah asked. I told her yesterday that I'll see her in this place. I didn't say anything else, I just told her that.

To be honest, I don't know why I told her that. I don't know if I have something to say or I just want to be with her. Maybe both? But I think I'll not be able to do the other one.

My friends know that I have feelings for her. I told them yesterday in the gym. They weren't surprised with my sudden confession. I guess I'm too obvious. I also told them the things I went through just to figure things out.

Yes, Aiah? Aiah was the one I was referring to when I said I'm in love. I don't know how these feelings develop. I don't know why I felt these feelings. That wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to like her. I always say that Aiah is the last person I would want in my life. Look at me now, eating my own words before because I completely fell for her.

"Mikhs? Are you still with me or what?" She slightly tapped my face to get my attention. She was so close that it almost took out my breath. What are you doing to me, Aiah?

"Uh, y-yeah. Sorry." I responded, avoiding her gaze. I can't stare at her unlike before that I can kill her with my stare. Aiah's making me weak for no reason.

"Are you okay ba? You look like you're on drugs kasi." She chuckled. You're right, Arceta. I'm on drugs, and I think you're the drug that's making me act like this. I'm insaneeeee.

"Eh?" I sound like I'm offended with what she said. My friends will most likely be the ones who will do drugs, especially Maloi.

She laughed even more because of the way I reacted. The place was filled with her laughter, and I can't deny that I love seeing her like this. It's giving me a different feeling.

She stopped laughing, and went beside me. I can feel my heartbeat beating faster than ever. I always feel this way when she's around or near me. Stop!

"No, but seriously, why are we here?" She asked.

"Uh, because.." I couldn't think of any reason at all. How could I tell her I brought her here because I want to confess? But the moment we arrived here, all the courage I had built suddenly disappeared.

"I w-want to ask you h-how I can confess to my crush?" I came up with the most stupid reason. It wasn't a question, but it looks like it was because of my tone. I didn't know what to say! I don't know how to tell her what I feel.

Her facial expression changed when I said that. Her bright mood immediately switched into something I can't even tell.

"Aiah?" I called for her attention because it looks like she was the one who's on drugs now. She space out for a minute.

"S-sorry." She said out of nowhere, which made me confused.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked worriedly. She wasn't looking at me.

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