Chapter 25: Partners

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Third Person's Pov

One of the biggest events has already been announced. The event is a promenade dance, usually called prom. This happens every school year. Students are meant to find their own partners to participate in. It's a once in a lifetime event. Some of the students even use this event to confess or make their first move to their crush.

Aiah thought that this is the opportunity she's waiting for. She's been thinking about how she will make her move to Mikha. Well, it's not actually for the sake of the dare, it was for her ex-girlfriend to leave her alone or maybe to make her jealous. Who knows?

Mikha's Pov

The prom has been announced. This happens every school year. It will start next week. I still don't have a partner. I don't have anyone on my mind. I guess I'll be solo? Well that sucks! My partner on last year's prom was my ex-girlfriend. Hmm. Memories. Those moments will just be memories because they will never happen again.

"Cols do you have a partner already?" I asked Colet. I wonder if she already asked someone to be her partner. She has the same situation as mine because her partner before was her ex-girlfriend too.

She shook her head. "Nope, I'm still trying to find someone."

See? We're the same. We don't have partners yet. This is unusual. I mean, we can ask anyone to be our partners since they will agree right away, but nope, not gonna happen. I still need to choose wisely.

"How about you?" She was the one to ask this time. I shook my head as an answer.

She chuckled. "What i-"

"Nope that'll never happen, Colet." I cut her off immediately. I know she's suggesting that we can be each other's partner. Lol. No way! I don't want to dance with her!

Maloi sat beside me and chuckled. "I can't believe this."

"Huh? You can't believe what?" I raised my brows to her. What does she mean by that? She's laughing as well. What's funny tho? We didn't even say anything funny.

"I can't believe that you two don't have partners yet." She responded. Yeah right. They'll probably tease us both for not having partners yet.

"I know right. They will always brag before that they already have partners. Look at them now." Jho chuckled as well. I rolled my eyes at them. It looks like we're the losers today 'cause we don't have partners yet. Hays.

A moment of silence was given to us. I didn't speak again since I'm thinking deeply of who's going to be my partner in this year's prom. If Jash was still my girlfriend, she'll probably be my partner. I'm not supposed to be problematic right now.

"I know how we can find a partner, Mikhs." Colet spoke. I turned my gaze to her. Jhoanna and Maloi did the same.

I raised my brows. "How?"

She went closer to me. It looks like she doesn't want Maloi and Jho to hear it. My eyes widened when she already said it. I immediately pushed her away from me. She then chuckled.

"Why not?" She asked. Maloi and Jho were confused because of the way we're acting.

I shook my head. "I just don't want to."

"Tsk, you're choosy, as if she wants to be your partner too." She annoyingly said. Wow?! Now she's talking like this huh?

"What the hell are you two talking about? Can you please include us?!" Maloi exclaimed. She and Jho are annoyed because they don't know what Colet has told me. I pointed to Colet trying to portray that she'll be the one who's going to tell them the thing she told me earlier.

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