Chapter 6: Magical Place

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Aiah's Pov

"You bought so many appliances Aiah." Sheena said while carrying some of my shopping bags.

We decided to go shopping since the cinema starts at 3 pm. We couldn't wait that long because we'll probably get bored. I just bought some appliances and things for my condo. I haven't really organized my condo well since I'm always busy with other things.

"Correction, it's tita Aiah." Stacey teased.

Gosh! They will never stop mentioning that tita thingy. They actually conclude with that just because I like buying appliances and wearing clothes that they consider and see as "tita vibes". These three are always getting into my nerves!

"What are you gonna do with all these things ba?" Gwenny asked. Seriously Gwen? Of course it's for my condo!

I like organizing things. My condo is always clean since I do cleaning more often. I don't know why, but I find it annoying if a house or a place is dirty and not organized. I even organized my friend's condo because I hate seeing messy places. You need to be good at cleaning or organizing if you want to live with me, if not? Lol find your own place.

"Stop complaining, it's for my condo." I responded. I treated them with lunch earlier and they even bought something when we were shopping and I was the one who paid.

We sat on the empty seat. I looked at my watch and it's already 2:50 pm. 10 minutes and we'll be watching the movie na. I actually don't know why I invited them to watch a movie. I'm bored since I don't have school work to do. Well it's not even a week since the class started that's why there are no activities or tasks yet.

"The cinema is so tagal, I'm bored already." Stacey complained. I looked at her and I can tell that she's really getting bored by the look of her face. 

"Five minutes more, just be patient." I said. Stacey doesn't like waiting. She lacks patience and she has a short attention span as well. I remembered someone who's like that too.

"Go there alone if you can't wait." Sheena annoyingly said. I chuckled as I know that she's getting annoyed because Stacey can't wait anymore.

Stacey rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

I looked at my watch and it's 3 pm already. Finally! After waiting for too long we can now watch the movie. Thank God! The show they chose is about love. I don't know why I let them choose the genre when it's clear that they'll choose about love.

We're done watching the show. The show is about how to forgive and accept things which are so related to what I'm experiencing right now. The couple face different challenges but they still end up being together. How I wish that would really happen to me in real life.

I'm actually annoyed the whole time watching the movie because they're also teasing me. I didn't enjoy it. A big thanks to my friends for choosing this movie, I feel all the love:)

We're now walking on our way to the parking lot since Stacey's car is there. If you would wonder who drove us here, well it was Stacey's driver. Can't risk our lives duh!

"The movie is freaking good!" Sheena exclaimed. Yeah, for you because you also enjoyed seeing me getting pissed off by it.

"Love is really magical!" Stacey exclaimed as well. We're now near the parking lot.

"It's not." I whispered.

Well call me bitter now but love isn't magical at all. I can't even call it magical even if I wanted to. I really do hope that one day someone can change that view of mine about love, but there's a part of me saying that I don't want to be in a relationship again.

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