Chapter 5: Officers Duties

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Aiah's Pov

It's a busy day today. Well, actually it's always busy today for me. I always have something to do, whether in school or outside school. I don't even know why I am surviving those kinds of works.

I'm on my way to the ssg office. Yes ssg office since I'm a part of it. I'm the vice president in our school. I was actually joining this kind of organization even before I got here in La Salle. I'm into those kinds of things kasi eh. I'm so invested in organizing things and helping people as well.

We have an important meeting today. That meeting is for the upcoming events and activities that will take place this school year. I know it's still early but we're already planning since we want this school year to be perfect and fun. We want to give not just enjoyment but also comfort to many students. Comfort in a way that they would lessen their stress and worries about school.

"Hi! Am I late already?" I greeted them and sat. They just shook their heads. They're all here. As usual, I'm late again. Gosh!

Jhoanna cleared her throat. "Hi Aia- Hi vice presi!"

I just know that Jhoanna wants to call me by my name but she's conscious that I might get mad. I actually don't know why they're conscious about it. I mean I don't get mad naman. Well maybe because of that one reason why they do that. Jhoanna's the president of ssg while Colet is the secretary.

I smiled at her. "It's okay Jho, you can call me by my name."

"So what are we going to talk about?" I changed the topic.

"It's about the varsity team." She responded. Oh.

I froze when she said that. Is that the reason why she's not looking at me straight in the eyes earlier or is it because of that reason I'm talking about earlier.

I acted like I'm not affected by it. It's about volleyball stuff again! Gosh! When will this volleyball thing leave me alone? I swear that wherever I go, people talk about it every single time.

I smiled awkwardly. "Okay, so what's with the varsity team?"

I'm actually getting conscious as the thought came that it may be something that I wouldn't want to happen at all. Please no!

"Ateneo requested a friendly match with La Salle this upcoming Tuesday." She responded.

I froze once again. No way! I AM FREAKING RIGHT! Why the hell this happens right now?! Why is it supposed to happen now?! There were so many times before that they could request a friendly match but why now?! This is bad timing.

Jhoanna cleared her throat as she noticed that I didn't respond. "As per our captain, she agreed with Ateneo's offer. As a player too, I'm accepting it."

How ironic that my mood changed from being happy to being annoyed that fast. Argh! Now I can't do anything about it! She already accepted it! Of course Jho and Colet as a player will do the same. This is literally stressing me right now.

"I agree as well." Colet butted in. She's not looking at me. See? Of course she will agree.

I looked at our treasurer and auditor waiting for their response. Please say no!

They just nodded and gave us a like sign portraying that they're agreeing with it. Great! Now what?! They all agreed except me. I didn't utter any words until now.

They all looked at me waiting for my answer. It's just me now. I need to agree as well for this offer to work. We can't execute a plan without us all agreeing into it. We set this rule as a way for us to consider each other's sides and opinions. It's actually a good idea.

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