At first, I forgot to name this, so-

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This is a 'what will happen if this changes' and stuff stora. :> one shots are the best. I  am just go back and change stuff and say 'yes, new one shot' 🤣 also when I ghoul is first summoned they have no clothes on, I do not know how to 'show not tell' that factor. So- also I have not mentioned aether. I think- as he is not apart of the band any more and as far as I know he is not coming back.

Well fuck, I should just rename this 'rain ghoul one shot book'🥹🥹

Story in a basic:

Copia's pov.

As the summoning tcircle lit up, I was meet with a week looking ghoul. It had a scar running down its face. The scar Seemed infected, and the ghoul wasn't in good shape as well. It had much more then one big scar. Although a big scar would be normal for a ghoul, this one had a few big scars, one on its back, face, thigh and chest. And so many smaller cuts and wounds. Some seemed fresh too.

Most normal summoners would throw him away. But something about him, brought me in. I couldn't tell what it was. But something felt special about him. I couldn't put a finger in it. He just seemed- special.

I stepped in the circle. Deciding to keep him. This would be the first time I had to pick a ghoul up, as most times they come awake and ready to serve. 

I kneeled next to him picking up the weak ghoul. One arm supporting his back and the other under his knees. I slowly raised, I had a feeling that, that one scar on the face would make him half blind. Another reason other summoners would throw him away.

All the ghouls i already have, know we need a new water ghoul. But they don't know when I would be summoning the ghoul. 

I wondered if Sodo will like a weak ghoul on the team. Will be bully the new ghoul? Or would he just be nice for a change. That would be something, Sodo being nice. HA what am I thinking? Out of all the ghouls I think mountain or aether would be the most nice, and ghoulettes. They would all be kind.

I placed the weak ghoul on a chair that was in the room, I waited for a bit. His eyes started to open. One of his eyes was a piercing blue. While the one with the scar was more dull, and lifeless. He looked around and then at me, his eyes locked on me. Watching my every move.

"Uhm- I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe here" I spoke softly, it didn't help at all. I needed help from one of the ghoulettes. Cumulus. (Ya'll I learnt the ghoulettes names. Fuck I forgot)

I took my phone out of my pockets, went to messager and called her.

"Hey copia! Need anything?" She asked me.

"Yes, I may or may not have summoned a new water ghoul today. And- let's say. His not in the best shape. So, I may need you to come down here with a first aid cit. uhm, ONLY YOU. Thank you and bye" I told her, hanging up. I continue to look at him and he looked at me.

I couldn't help but think what other summoners may think about him, weak, beat up, out of shape and scared. They would probably beat him to death or let him die of hunger. And also what might of happen for him to get this way. His eye was a the prettiest shade of blue, why would anyone want to ruin that?

I walked to the door and waited for cumulus. Soon the door open. She stepped in and close the door behind her slowly. I watch her turn to see the new water ghoul. Her face dropped, she gave me the first aid.

Cumulus pov, I don't know very much on her, nor do I know her element sorry🥲.

I slowly walked up to the new ghoul, he was so skinny, and weak. His face, said it all. He was terrified.

"Hello.. hi" I spoke softly "I'm cumulus, and you are?" I asked, I need to make him comfortable around me before I touch him. He looked at me, I knew he wasn't going to speak any time soon. I also know he is not mute. They don't let mutes and deafs up.

I walked a little closer. The number of scars on him were horrible. He was a pretty ghoul  too. I don't know how anyone could hurt him. I put my hand out, letting him de-side. I felt him touch my hand. I was over joyed to know there is still trust in him

"uh- m- my... n-a-na-me is.." he stoped speaking after that. He voice sounded horrible, like it has not been used in ages. I looked at his neck and saw bruises. Like someone tried to choke him to death.

"Oh.." I whispered. I motioned for copia to come over. I took a sit next to the weak ghoul and grabbed the first aid cit from the vocalist. "I may need a wet towel too." I told copia, and with that he walked off to get a towel.

"Your ok now water ghoul. No one is going to hurt you. And if they do. They will have to deal with me. Ok?" I softly said to him. Some wounds were still bleeding. Which is scary to know he just got out of what ever was hurting him.

Copia walked in again soon, I could see some ghouls were following him. I heard him telling them to go away. And he closed the door on their faces.

"Well, they found out I summoned another ghoul. So we need to work fast." I nodded and reached my hand out for the towel. He gave it too me and I started washing out the wound. Copia sat on the other side of the new ghoul as I banaged him up.

After an hour or so. I finished. The nameless ghoul still had his eyes locked on what I was doing. And copia had fallen asleep.

"Let's get you some clothes alright?" I said standing up and walking to the closet. I opened it and got out some clothes for him. Turning back around walking to him. "Can you get changed your self?" I asked, he nodded stand up. He sat back down later. And then nodded his head no. Oh fucking god. I need to get my mother act on now,

"Ok, that fine." I spoke, putting the clothes and helmet on the chair next to him 

~~ after getting him changed, as I don't want to be uncomfortable right now ~~

A held his hand after getting him change. He stood up, holding my hand tightly.

"Copia, get up" I said, waking copia up.

"Oh, you got him changed already! How good" he spoke getting out of the chair. "Have you got his name yet?" Copia said shortly after, I nodded my head no.

"Uh- r-ra-in.." the weak ghoul spoke. I looked at him.

"Good job rain, thank you for telling us" I told him, walking away him him. I opened the door to be meet my a slumber party on ghouls, mountain, Swiss, SoDo, phantom and (fuck, I forgot the other ghoulette😭😭 I forgot the queens name AHHH) 

"Uh, guys. Wake up" I half yelled, not wanting to scare rain. Soon all the ghouls were awake and looking at rain.

"Why dose he look so skinny and weak" Sodo commented. I stepped in front of rain. 

"Fuck of sodo. Stop being mean to everyone just because you insure about your height." Once I said that. I heard gasps and oooo from the others. Sodo stuck his rude finger up and me but said no more. I won todays battle with sodo.

Mountain stood up and walked other to rain, I didn't even see him get up.

"Hello, I'm mountain, that's Swiss, phantom and of corse sodo. I hope you like it here." Mountain told rain.

"I-I'm r-ra-in.." rain replied. Nice to see someone is being nice to rain. I heard Phantom talking to sodo, agreeing with what he said earlier. I looked at them with a death stare.. and they stoped talking crap. Swiss had also gotten up and talking to rain.

Of course rain said nothing back, only listened and nodded. Along to what that were saying,

Alright that were I'm leaving it off. It took me all day to write this. I have only been up from like 11-12 pm/am so about 5-7 hours.. uh. No editing has been done sooo.

Words: 1430

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