Spoon- insecurity's

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Look at the photo above for spoon reference :D

Context for au- spoon dose not like the fact he is Albino. His father neglected him but acted kind infront of his mother, and his mother had a hatred for him that she would think to herself about. But spoon saw the ways she secretly stares at him. His mother was a two faced bitch, she acted like she loved him to bits.

How he got good at cooking- he cooked for him self and his parents when he was younger, it was his hobby. So every time spoon saw Cook book he read it. so when he really wanted a cooking book he mum alway Brought it in hopes he would leave  her alone

Spoons pov-

I was making some cookies for the other ghoul. The face paint I wear to hide my Albino features was annoying me badly, it was nearly 5pm. So I also need to start cooking dinner soon so they can eat at 6pm. They need and early night because they will be leaving for their tour tomorrow. 

Which will relive me of the face paint for a month or so.

I will make them a simple soup. Maybe Thai noodle soup that sounds good. I know so many soups and how to make them off by heart, but Thai noddle soup is one I haven't made much if at all. So this is the rare time I bring out a cook book.

"Hey spoon? Ooo brought out the cook book? Making something new for us? Already know it's gonna be good!!" Rain spoke behind me, a jumped a litte. He walks so quietly. "Opp- HAHA Did I scare you!?!?" He laughed at me.

"Yea, you did rain. I was looking over the recipe for Thai noddle soup." I replied. Rain was alway kind to me. If he found out I was albino I'm sure he wouldn't mind. But at the same time. Who knows, maybe his secretly mean.

"Ooo- Thai noodle soup? That's new! Is it spicy? Since it has 'Thai' in it name" he asked me, I know he doesn't like spice. I know what they like and dont, and what they can't eat.

"Don't worry rain, even though it's spicy I always make yours first with little to no spice. The rest with normal amount of spice and SoDo with- extra spice." Rain was a little shocked I can remember all that off the top of my head, but I have cooked for them since day 1. Near the end of Terzo actually.

"Okay then, also. Copia wants to speak to you. He told me what about so, before you start cooking go to him" Rain smiled. I was confused, why would he want to talk to me. Was I in trouble?

 I stoped over thinking it went to him, opening the door to his office. He had helmets for new ghouls, or Swiss.. (you know you know. Rip those helmets AYE) he also had some skulls, pretty dark Academy if you ask me, then theirs the bright coloured cages for his rats that are never in them.

"Hello spoon. I would like to invite you to the rituals, don't worry about the fact your albino. I'll be taking care of that. Then you'll be free of the annoying face paint, that you somehow wear every day." The papa told me. It shocked me, I- I don't want them to know. But, then again I probably would not have ever told 'em.

"Oh, uh, uhm.. okay papa. I will start to make your dinner now. And then I'll came to you and show 'em. Then I'll pack." I said to him, turning away and whispering "how annoying"

~~~ at night since I only know how to make eggs and other easy stuff. Like 2 minute noodles😰~~~

I prepared myself, leaving the hallway with a clothes once papa calls me. I acted as if I didn't know why he needed me, I said nothing and just waited by his side. For the words.

"Spoon is albino" he spoke, I took the clothes to the mouth part of the mask. Wiping away the face paint. The ghouls looked at me shocked. All eyes on me, most times I wouldn't mind. But this was a big secret of mine that I had to tell them.

I quickly left the room, soon running down the halls to my room. Stopping before the door I rushed into my room then to my bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door and took my helmet off. I wiped all the face paint off. Looking at myself in the mirror. I didn't like the way I looked. I hated it in fact. I was always made fun of how I look. Which led to me giving my self a scar. And a promise I somewhat kept. To never hurt myself again. I did end up hurting myself again. Peerlessly or accident only I knew.

~~ spoon had a shower and packed going to bed. I love my little boy spoon and want to make him. Also spoon dose put face paint on his tail. Very carefully on the feathers.~~


I woke up in the morning, this was my usual time, but not for the other ghouls. This was early for them.I got out of bed with no problem getting changed and putting my helmet on. I had no face paint on. So on the private jet thing they got I will have to preen my tail feathers.

I walked into the common room like it was a normal day. Everyone looked so tried, and not one was talking.

"Sup guys." I said forgetting they don't wake up this early. They just looked at me.

"How are you so ok with waking up this early?" Swiss asked me, I looked at him blanked face.

"I'm your kitchen ghoul. I wake up this early to make you food. I'm doing my job since I awake and fall asleep. I am alerted in the morning, making sure I don't burn something. And remembering what you are not allowed to eat, and the amount of spices you like, if you like sweet over savoury, or savoury over sweet. I have to be fully awake but the time I start cooking." I calmly stated like it was nothing. That thought it over and no more questions were asked, except.

"Your tail is so pretty" cirrus told me. I was stunned as I haven't preen it, and everyone alway said it was ugly and I was wired.

"Oh- uhm. Thank you.. I don't get complimented a lot.." I replied. Copia soon came in and everyone walked behind him without words so I got my stuff and followed them. And they got in the car. It was very squash so they decided on two cars.

On the way their I remembered, I was also the one who dusted the halls and made their beds, unless I suspect they.. had some fun. But I figured papa had that taken care of that.


Soon we arrived to the airport and hoped on our jet/plane. I have never been on a plane, so I freaking out a little. I decided to preen my tail feathers while the other discussed about what to do for a stage performance. I listened in, while also focusing on the messed up feathers, preening them slowly.

Till some nameless water ghoul decided to touch Le feathers. I slapped his hand away.

"Sorry rain. But feathers are a no no zone. Do not touch or stand on them, it can lead to be being hurt or, arouse" (??? Y'all I read and write. I don't spell. This chapter has just been me spelling words I don't know, it got me pulling my hair out😭) it seemed rain was somewhat shocked by this.

"So like a bird?" He asked, I nodded leaning my head back and closing my eyes to sleep. I now know why most of them hate air planes. Even though I'm earth-fire and a tiny bit of air multi ghoul.

It took a while for me to sleep, but this was an 12 hour flight. Might as well sleep for most of it. Letting the darkness of sleep eat me up. I slept peacefully.

Yep ok, he is most definitely getting a pt two to this story, unless I come back to this and write more so you guys don't have to wait longer. So my ankle, after 8 weeks still hurts :<

Words- 1396

I awoke to the plane landing, it wasn't that bad. I got up and exited the plane with everyone.

We went inside the tour bus as copia started to drive to out first venue. The ghouls were sharing beds. And by sharing I man swapping so each night one of them can sleep with SoDo, except mountain who I was sharing a bed with, well- spawning with rain every now and then. Which was confusing to say the less.

We had a show on tonight, because we were one day late booking everything. They told me I will just hang around the stage until it's time to hand cookies out to people and ghoul at the middle of the show.

Words- 1514

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