Mountain - marching

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A little context in my head cannon. Mountain was once In a marching band. This is his second time getting summoned. Just for the memory's he keeps his marching set. It's also a little bit of the reason he dose not let people in his room. Although he dose want to do marching again. He has the Marching tenor drums. 

I know little to nothing about marching band. But I've see videos that their counting is inside jokes and some  actually counting. So mountain sometimes makes these jokes and laughs, the other ghouls look at him like his crazy.

It's also why his so good at taking orders.

Mountains pov-

I was sitting at my desk, watching my phone. When I came across a marching band video. It was old, basically the time I was in the marching band. And then I saw me, and my marching tenor drums. I look at the corner of my room. It had my marching drums. 

I miss the silly and chaotic nature that is marching. The friends I made, the inside jokes, the weird challenges they got us to do. Everyone was nice, and funny. I miss it. But I got summoned by copia so I have to serve him now.

I got up and over to my marching drum set. Picking it up and over my shoulders. I picked out the sticks I would normally use. It feels weird after not putting it on after so long. I got used to rock drums. I taped one of the drums. It's the same..

I start play jig 2 slowly. Making sure i wasn't being to loud. But then I remembered that there all on the other side of the house. I started to speed up playing. I used to be able to play this, very, Very fast, I finished playing and flipped the drum stick.

"Still good as ever.." I mumbled to myself. The;I heard a knock on my door. Shit- they probably heard me play- I thought. Placing the tenor drums carefully placing a blanket over them again. And walked to the door.

"Oh- hello Swiss!" I said looking down at the ghoul in front of me.

"Hello mountain. I heard you play- some type of drum. I'm just wondering, it didn't sound like rock drums." Swiss told me. And looked around my room.

"Oh- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" my face when blank. Looking for an excuse. Then I saw the other ghouls head around the corner. I started to feel panicked. "I can't make up a fucking excuse.. um, it's a little embarrassing for me. Especially since I can see the other ghouls looking at us"

"Oh, can I came in then? Talk I'm private. And if they ear drop I will kick them to the moon" Swiss asked. I move out of the way so it can go in. Then I glair around to the ghouls, shutting the door. "So what was it?" He asked.

"Uhm, marching drums. Marching tenor drums" I told him walking to the corner taking the black it off, putting the drums back on.

"Wow- that's so cool. But- you don't have the time to be marching?" She said, confused on how I got them.

"I've been summoned two times. One by marching band that was once called 'ghouls marching' Even though most if not all of the marchers were humans.. ne other summoning was for ghost so yea." I informed Swiss. He didn't seem to shocked.

3rd person, look, I just have the need to write 3rd person

Mountain started to play some beats for Swiss, now Swiss was looking a little shocked.

"So- you had to do that, walk around and count?" Swiss asked. Mountain crossed his head and gave a little chuckle.

"We have inside jokes and most of the time that was the counting. We most people can play the tenor with their eyes closed. I could once but uh- I'm a little rusty and I'm used to the rock drums now." Mountain replied. "It's also why I say something stupid and laugh. It was one of our inside jokes. I miss marching a lot."

"Awwwww mountain. We can alway let you have your own bit where you play the tenor drums." Swiss suggested. Mountain nodded.

"Wait- you can play the- uhh trombone. Because if you can we might be able to hold a little bit of an real march, with out the marching. Hehe-" the tall ghoul added. Swiss eyes lit up with the idea. "But- some notes can hold for 15 seconds.." he stated. Swiss eyes went dull again.

"15 SECONDS? I feel bad-" Swiss told mountain.

I'm getting tired of that drama. Cut to when they tell copia. I'm about to make you feel li

Mountains pov-

"COPIA" Swiss shouted opening his office door getting the attention of the other ghouls. Copia slowly looked up from his work, he looked spooked.

"SWISS- quiet down!!!" I yelled at him, making the ghouls look away again. We walked into the room and closed the door behind us. Walking to the desk where copia sat.

"Yes you two?" He asked us as we took a sit across from him.

"So uh-" I was cut off by swiss who was way to happy for this.

"I got this mountain, so as he was saying, he can play the tenor drums and I can play the trumpet trombone blah blah, can we like. Play something on stage?"

"Uh... yea sure why not, but we will need to get rid of a song to do that though- or maybe the opening part. But then you'll have to get behind the drums which would be a lot of running" copia stated. I didn't want to take the spot light away from anyone, and there are a lot of songs someone gets the spot light.

"Its- it's fine if we don't. I- I don't want to take the spot light of off the others." I replied to copia, his face darkened.

"Mountain, you have little to no spot light, replacing one sing wouldn't hurt anyone's ego. Plus most of the ghouls agree that you deserve more, more spot light, more ego. Just, they would be happy to see you get out of the drums. You might have to wear shoes though" -copia

Alright. Pt 2 of this will be on the stage. Eg- preparing. Playing. And blah blah.

Words- 1038

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