Phantom- the dress dare.

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Summary- phantom got dared to wear a dress for a show.

Marry Christmas enjoy this present. An update from me will be coming soon, after I enjoy my Christmas.

Phantoms pov,

I actually can't believe I agreed to this dare. I'm the only ghoul back stage still. And copia didn't start with the song which confused the crowd. They all had their phones out. Taking a video.

"So, last night the ghouls were playing truth or dare. And they dared phantom to do something at you will see shortly. You guys will absolutely freak over him. Cheri Cheri lady much (you got tiktok. You know)

I walked on stage. My white dress with yellow flowers flowing with the wind. This was so embarrassing, they got me to wear the brightest colours too.

(Like this, just. Brighter. If you understand)

Everyone, and I mean everyone was excited

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Everyone, and I mean everyone was excited. I walked to copia  the best I could, IN FUCKING HIGH HEELS BRO, LIKE HIGHHEELS TOO AHHH. At lest their the thick type.

"Why did I have to wear the highheels" I made a sad face, I still had to keep the mask on which- ruined the whole look.

"Oh- HAHAHAHAHA. DAMN, YOU ACTUALLY DECIDED TO WEAR THE HIGHHEELS TOO. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. you do know do didn't have to right????" He laughed. My face dropped. I punched to lightly in the arm.

"NO, I DIDNT KNOW THAT" I made an angry face, I wasn't mad though. "I mean, it makes me taller then I already him hehehe" then I realised the mic could hear me. "Oh damn, can the mic hear me" I listen to the sounds coming out of the speakers, mimicking me.

"Damn... alright. Bye copia" my wink went unnoticed as I went to sit on mountains stairs. I had to cross my legs or the dress would blow up. Darn wind. Grrr

Short one I know, but I have an really cool idea that I'm debating to add to the one shot lore, and again. An Undate on me will come after I open my gifts and tell you all how well I'm doing.

The next few chapters are going to be big. I think one got to like 2000 words. And 4 are ready (not including this one or the other idea)

Finished- 29th November 22:49(10:49PM)

Words- 393

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