Rain oneshot- snaps.

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In this au. You don't have to wear your mask, you can. They don't know rain is apart of the lochness family. Rain got adopted a year before the time he got summoned. 

Mountain- tall shy. Swiss- goofy kind. Sodo- bitchy clingy. Cumulus- kind funny. Phantom- quiet can-be-mean. Rain- deadlyshy WILL FUCKING BEAT YOU UP.

What happened- rain gets called down. Loch Ness there. Shows scar and SoDo pushing him to far. Rain snap punching SoDo. Rain breaks down and has a anxiety attack. Mountain gets rains meds and rain clings onto mountain. They move to the couch and a cute moment between, SoDo, mountain and rain happens. Sorta..

Rains pov- 

"Rain! Someone is here to see you" mountain said knocking on my said. Who would want to see me? I thought.

"Coming!" I Replied getting up and putting my mask on. Walking I turned to the door opening it. I walked down the hallway, to the stairs. Walking down them I saw a group of ghouls in the living room. Why is everyone here?

I went to the living room. My eyes opened as I stopped.

"Rain- uh- you- you're related to-"

"Oh- no no. I adopted him." It was mrs lochness. I was still frozen. Why is she here? Not that it's a bad thing. She is the best mother.

I walked up to her and hugged her. "Hi mum" I spoke weakly. I haven't never really talked near any of the ghoul. I'm not talkative. And I don't plan to change it.

"Rain, mr papa here has told me you don't talk much. What's happened there." She voiced talking to me. Then she whispered "I thought I helped that problem?" It was quiet and I barely missed it, but I did hear it.

Without knowing if to talk or what. I nodded my head. My face still down as I just leaned on her. I did miss her. She helped me not be afraid of pretty much everything.

"He did talk a lot when he lived with me" she told and copia, And everyone. Is this what I mum is supposed to do, embarrass you in front of your friends. 

"Oh- I don't think I've ever heard him talk. Ever" phantom spoke up. "So copia saying he has heard him is kinda eye opening. I always thought he was mute, or close to mute really" he followed up.

"Uh- well. I can t-talk if you really need to know what I sound like" I said, turning to him. The look on his face was kinda funny. Everyone here has not heard me talk a lot, if ever. So they were all kinda shocked. Only Swiss has heard me talk, maybe even mountain. As I ask for my anxiety meds on stage a lot.

"What's so shocking- I zoned out.. wait- have non of you heard his voice before- that makes me special then" Swiss spoke, proud of him self. Mountain gave his comment a little laugh.

"So- rain. Then have you told them nothing? Non of your fears, past?? Anything" lochness asked me, I looked at her.

"I don't know theirs, why should they know mine? Well, I do know most of them have scars so-.." I replied, most people agreed with me.

"So, you know we have scars, and what they look like. So we should be able to know if you have scars. And what they look like." Swiss replied, and there goes any reason I have to keep my face hidden.

"Uh- well- hold on. You just used my logic against me." I turned. "Well. Then uh-" I growled. Reading the straps of the helmet undoing them. "You know that one time you had a fight to see who's scar was worse. I say, I take the cake." I said taking the helmet off. The eye with the scar was a dull grey-blue colour, while the one that didn't was a deep ocean colour.

People gasped, and looked underly shocked.

"Oh yea, by the way I forgot to say I'm half blind" I spoke, in a more comedy manner. 

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