Phantom oneshot

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Y'all, phantom does not like people touching him or touching people in this oneshot. And will try to avoid anything sexual. He is aroace in this au. (Dose not feel the need to *do it* nor the feeling of love to people)

The sum up- phantom waits for aether in hell. After they say hi. Phantom goes up and meets the band. Swiss and SoDo said they will fuck infront of him one day. Phantom got weirded out. Rain backed him up. The ghoulettes take him to his room. And the day ends there.

Phantom's pov.

Waiting for the summoning, or change over with my brother really. I looked at the photos. My brother was in the ghost one so I just looked at it. Wait for my brother to show up. The circle lit up purple. Then my brother showed up.

"Ahhh, home sweet home!! Hey little bro. You ready to go?" He asked me, I nodded. Although I was nervous and did not want to leave. My mother wanted me to have friends. I have friends, but my mum says I need some close friends.

"Ok, so- how dose this work..." I asked him. His tail wagged abit. Oh no- he was going to do a long speech. "No no, just get to the point. No story's please." I begged.

"Awww, still the same phantom I knew leaving. Anyways." He reached into his bag. "I need this book, also before you leave. Don't p!ss off sodo!" He told me, I didn't t even know who sodo was. "Rain is good boy. Go to him for help. Swiss- ehhhh. Depends on his mood. Mountain. *sigh* yea, his a little goofy though" after he said that he did the spell to swap out places.


"Ahhh! Hello phantom, your big brother told us a bit about you. Well, when he knew you. Which was like 4 years. So, you probably change" a weird looking male told me. He had white face paint on. And also- AM I NACKED-

"Uh, no. I haven't changed a lot since the last time I saw him" I told the weird paint guy.

"Oh, how rude of me to not say my name! I'm copia, your summoner and the vocalist of ghost. Pleased to meet you" copia told me. So his the new papa people are saying is funny. "And also here's some clothes for you to get changed into. Then you get meet the rest of the people"

I took the clothes and got changed. He handed me a helmet thing to. Which I gladly took. Putting it on. I'm not social, I'm judgemental, and I don't plan to change.

Copia opened the door to the living room I believe. A group of ghouls where there, one as tall as a mountain, I'm guessing mountain. One with a cool waist, one- doing the most weirdest dances. And another short one, bossing them around. I'm gonna guess that's SoDo then.

Then I saw two(three.. idk man) ghoulettes. They all looked over.

"Everyone. This is aethers brother phantom. He said his just like what aether told us so. You know, personal space guys." Copia told them, how much did my brother say?

"I have heard of you all, and what you guys do on stage. I do not wish to- get touch like that.. and I also don't want any- love interests." They listened, the short male seemed bummed by that. Making me question what aether and this ghoul do.

"Uh- anyways. I'm rain- this is mountain. That's- pfft- Swiss..." he started, Swiss was still doing wired dances. "uh, that's sodo. And the two ghoulettes are cumulus and cirrus" rain continued. Rain was the one with a cool waist. He was also soft spoken.

"Hello! As rain has already said I'm mountain. And uh- I'm the drummer. And the tallest of the group." Mountain said, his was soft but still rougher then rain's was.

"Hi! I'm Swiss. The Dancing man emoji as some people say, and some times Swiss cheese" he told me, ok Swiss cheese was kinda funny. Good use of that name.

"As you already know from my brother. I'm phantom, I don't like physical touch like hugs. And something I never told my brother, is the fact I'm aroace. If you don't know what it is, I don't like people, by like I mean love. And I do no want to have sex" I told them. Non of them seemed to have any problem with that. Ok, so their chill. (While editing I realised that I write his intro twice🥲)

"Uh... let's just say, Swiss and SoDo have no shame in their sex life... that means they have no shame in uh- YK... fucking in front of people. And by people I mean ghouls." One of the ghoulettes spoke up, I believe cirrus.

I guess the look on my face they could see was funny. It was disgusting, like- what the heck.

"Uh- speaking of that, sodo?" Swiss asked the short ghoul. It took me a few seconds to understand what they were hinting too.

"EWW NO, DONT YOU DARE" I quickly hissed "THAT IS DISGUSTING. LIKE HAVE YOU NEVER GOTTEN A ROOM BEFORE IN YOUR LIFE???? EWWWW YUCK EWW DISGUSTING" I added after, like why the fuck would you do it and not get a room.

I was meet by laughter. "Hahaha, we would never do it in front of an innocent bean such as your self" Swiss commented 

"Yea" sodo added "it was just a little joke. That may or may not be funny hehe" 

Rain came over. "Don't listen to them. And if they do fuck infront of you. I will personally shove them into the ground" rain said slowly looking over to them.

"Ok we get it rain. Your shy but fucking scary" Swiss stated. everyone nodded their head while rain let out a little chuckle. 

"Let's get you to your room!" Cumulus told me as she walked away. I followed her. And cirrus followed behind us. Then the ghouls.

We walked up the stairs and down the hallway to my room.

"My room is over there if you need anything" cumulus said. Pointing to her door. She opened my room's door "this is your room, sorry it is blank. You can get what you want to put in it" she added. I nodded my head and went it. I waved bye and closed the door. Then talking my helmet off.

I walked over to the bed and sat down. Everyone was pretty nice here. I will like.


No editing (I just edited it hehe)

Words: 1066

Edited words: 1094

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