Chapter 10 Astroid Belt

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"Ratchet this might get a little bumpy."

"What do mean by bumpy?" Ratchet asked.

"Well we're heading though an Astroid belt to get to planet Basun." Quark responded.

"What!? You do realize that we may as well die!" Ratchet shouted.

"Don't worry, I'm an expert on driving ships. I mean even though I took only one day on learning how to but that doesn't really matter!"

"Doesn't matter!?" Ratchet yelled. "I can't believe this is how I could get crushed by some rocks." Since Quark's base is a asteroid it was right by an asteroid belt. When they were halfway though the rocks some ships came.

"Ah! Some ships, maybe they can get us though the rock like it was nothing!" Quark cheered.

"I don't think there're the good kind of ships!" The ships had something spray painted on them that looks like a shark. "They might not be-"

"Shhhhhhh!" Quark interrupted. The ships just stood there doing nothing, not firing at all. "What should we do Ratchet?"

"Maybe they really friendly instead of bad." Ratchet answered. Suddenly the ships started firing at Ratchet and Quark. "Never mind" One huge ship came to the front of the ships and began talking.

"Hey Ratchet remember us! Thugs for less?" Ratchet gasped seeing them again.

"What are you doing here in the Calis Galaxy?" Ratchet asked.

"You know this guy?" Ratchet slapped his forehead in disappointment and explains to Quark who the Thugs for less are. "Oh those guys! Man there were terrible at their job!"

"I'm right here you know and the name's now Bob!" Ratchet and Quark laughed at his name saying that it was the dumbest name for a thug. "Shut it you two! Anyway, Thugs for less now works for the Galactic forces under the name the "Galactic Thugs" Ratchet and Quark kept on laughing. "Fine if you love having some laughs, than this one will for sure make you laugh. It's about how where're gonna shoot you down for good"

The galactic thugs continued their firing causing the left wing of Quark's ship to break off.

"Uh oh." Quark realized.

"You don't think!" Ratchet yelled. The ship felt toward a nearby planet.

"Goodbye you idiots and have fun on Ventrus!" As Quark and Ratchet screamed to their doom, the galactic forces went to Basun.

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