Chapter 8 Lost In Space

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Ratchet makes his way out of the dome on planet Welsen with Clank in his arms not working correctly. Ratchet jumps out of the hole in the dome that was made by a ship. He looks up to see that the galactic forces came to help out. Ratchet ran toward his ship avoiding every ship that came falling down.

He went into his ship and started it up. Before he knew it he was in space and far away from planet Welsen. Ratchet headed to the galactic forces base on planet Basun. Inside Ratchet told Austin what happened.

"We'll that's quite the story there Ratchet. Can't believe you made out of there alive."

"All in a days work." Ratchet responded.

"Anyway here we'll take care of Clank." Austin quickly grabbed Clank out of Ratchet's hands "Too bad this will be the last time you'll see him!" Austin pulls out wrench similar to Ratchets and hits him in the crest. Ratchet falls onto the ground from the hit and Austin runs toward a button.

Guards swarm around Ratchet as he slowly goes unconscious. When Ratchet wakes up he finds himself in his ship in space. Suddenly a bright glow comes from the touchscreen.

"Ah your awake. Did you sleep well?" It was Austin contacting Ratchet. Ratchet quickly got up and tried looked left and right.

"Where's Clank? Where am I? Why did you do this to me? What's going on?!" Ratchet wanted answers, he need answers but question won't get them.

"Oh right! You have no idea what's going. We'll too bad Lombax! Oh and by the way you want Clank? Well come and get him! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The screen went dark and Ratchet kept punching his ship in anger. Once he calmed down he tried turning the ship back on but that didn't work. He would go check his engine but he's in space with no helmet.

There was nothing he could do, no way to get outside, can't fix the engine, no pieces of scarp. There wasn't even food or water. Ratchet was lost in space with no way out.

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