Chapter 1. Forest

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The two are walking through the green, beautiful forrest that is filled with chirps of bird pokémon flying about.

Its slowly getting darker and darker, the sun is setting and they know they dont have shelter for the night, so they keep walking in hopes of finding something suitable for the both of them.

Dani is still thirsty and his mouth feels like a flaming hot desert and is desprate for some water but he doesnt know what is safe to drink and what is not and he'd rather to drink only what he knows is safe.

-- Damn it, eevee! that ursuluna or ursaring,i don't remember which one it was, really made us run for our lives... now where can i find some water? this forest is massive! --

He says, sad that he didnt drink when he had the chance, to eevee which is looking at the riolu with a bit of sadness in its eyes, knowing that it's friend is feeling bad while walking besides him, unable to help him.

'-- Im tired, thirsty, in a new world, in a new body, no idea where i am and nowhere near any civilisation, if that even exists here that is. Im screwed dude...

wait, even if there is a town or village nearby, what would they do to me? i am a Pokémon now, wouldnt they try to catch me? or shoo me away? this isnt...great. --'

Dani thinks to himself, looking more towards the grass on the ground more then the direction his walking in, what would humans do if they saw him in this state and wonders if he should even look for any humans at all, afraid of what they would do.

The sky has turned a deep, dark orange, the sun is almost behind the horizon and the moon is slowly creeping its way upon the darkened sky with its dim glow, looks like it is a full moon.

The pair have stopped to take a rest on a medium sized, flat boulder for a while, Dani is out of breath and breathes heavily while eevee is just fine and looks concerned for it's friend.

-- i can't *huff* keep walking like *huff* this, eevee. I need a *huff* a little break. --

He says, trying to catch his breath but just then he hears a soft, organic clicking noise in the distance.

Eevee raises its head from its paws and looks around, sniffing the air, this noise seems very familiar to the little creature, but Dani is scared shitless from that clicking noise that sounded like a mentally insane person on four types of drugs.

-- what the actual fuck was that.? Eevee?? --

He asks eevee, not expecting an answear in a quiet, hushed tone as to not attract to attention of whatever made that sound creepy sound.

In the distance there could be seen a tree that has a very wierd thing growing on it.

It looks like the tree is cracked, like a rock wall but its with a wierd dark colored green that seem to pulsate with a very light green substance.

Eevee gets up on its feet and does a stick stretch and starts walking towards the tree line, barking at Dani to follow it.

Dani doesnt know what to make out of any of this, what was that clicking noise? why is that tree looking so weird? and why is eevee going towards it? are questions that play on repeat in his mind.

He does decide to finally follow eevee, seeing that it wont stop barking at him to come with

The closer he got the more trees looked infected with the same dark green color cracks and they look gross and alive with that wierd pulsing thing they have going on.

The clicking noise appears again, this time much closer and constant.

Eevee starts looking a bit uneasy now and is looking around the sick looking tree line, Dani is practically trembling in his boots at the noise being so close to them, whitout a doubt its coming from the wierd trees area.

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