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Six months ago...

"Beyoncé, where are you going?" Jazmine shouted as she watched Beyoncé pack her things.

"I don't have to answer to you." Beyoncé stated as she threw the black duffel bag over her shoulder.

Beyoncé started to make her grand exit for the front door downstairs, but Jazmine quickly jumped in front of her.

"Jazmine if you don't get the hell out my way!" Beyoncé's voice startled her.

"Tell me where you're going." Jazmine stressed. "Why're you leaving?"

Beyoncé continued to try and walk around her, but again Jazmine shut all that down. She stood in front of her with a look of disbelief. Jazmine couldn't believe that Beyoncé would even for a second threaten to leave her.

"I'm not playing with you, Jazmine." Beyoncé huffed. "Move!"

"No!" Jazmine screams and she pushes her body up against her bedroom door.

"I swear if you don't let me out of here I'm calling my security." Beyoncé said with a slight chuckle. "And trust me baby, you won't like Julius."

Jazmine laughed to herself and soon enough the tears started flowing.

"You think I give a damn about Julius?" Jazmine looks at her.

Beyoncé couldn't stand to see her cry, not one bit so she made sure not to make eye contact with her. That was what made her feel weak inside. She's never wanted to hurt her ever in life. She doesn't know how she let it get this bad. All she wanted was out.

"Call him." Jazmine said as she pushed Beyoncé back. "I can't believe you are standing here with that look on your face. You have the audacity to sit there and talk to me like that. Like you don't love me!"

Jazmine's face was now hot and she was drowning in tears. Her voice cracked between each word.

"Jazmine, I need you to let me go, please." Beyoncé practically begged. "I can't do this with you right now."

"Tell me Beyoncé, who was that on your phone?" Jazmine paused as she gazed at her.

Her eyes were glistening as the tears from her eyes streamed down her face and falling from her chin.

"Jazmine, what do you think this is?" Beyoncé's voice cracked. "I'm not your girlfriend. This isn't what you thought."

"You don't mean that." Jazmine shook her head as she cried some more.

Beyoncé slowly started walking toward Jazmine as she gained her confidence back. She tried to focus on her way out instead of the tears that were falling from Jazmine's wet face.

"Look, I'm sorry that I lead you on but I thought we both knew what this was." Beyoncé nods. "We were nothing more than friends Jazmine! That's it! Sure, we fucked around but so what!"

"Stop!" Jazmine placed both her hands on the sides of her head.

"No, you stop!" Beyoncé's voice grew louder. "Now you will let me out of this bedroom. I need you to understand that whatever it is this was, is through. Get over it!"

Jazmine couldn't stand to listen to the words spewing out from Beyoncé's mouth. After five months and out of the blue the person she loves decides that she is done with her. How can this be? Jazmine gave Beyoncé everything she wanted, everything she needed. Sure she didn't have much, but she gave her all her love. How could things have gone so wrong? Jazmine snatched the duffel bag from Beyoncé's shoulder and threw it across the room.

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