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"Thank you for shopping Luxe Boutique." Jazmine smiled as she handed the woman her shopping bag.

"Thank you." The young woman smiled before exiting the boutique.

Jazmine made sure that the coast was clear before she made her way to the very back of the store. She met with Tyron who sat at the small table with his face in his phone. Jazmine took a seat on the stool beside him as she looked over at him.

"Hey." Jazmine said not taking her eyes off of him.

Tyron was much too into his phone to pay attention to her as he bit at his thumbnail. Jazmine absolutely hated when he did that. She sighed as she leaned over to see what was so interesting in his phone.

"Don't tell me you're still trying to get those concert tickets." Jazmine smacked her lips.

"Bitch it's Beyoncé." Tyron glared at her.

Jazmine rolled her eyes and let out a slight laugh. She knew just how much her best friend loved him some Beyoncé. Little did he know just how much she actually developed a hate for her. She needed a way out of this situation.

"Boom bitch!" Tyron shouts.

"What?" Jazmine rubbed her ear.

"We have a date with the Queen." Tyron grinned. "And if you ain't ready you better get ready!"

"Lord, when is the occasion Ty?" Jazmine sighed. "How you gon' just book me open for something without-"

"Jaz!" Tyron startled her. "If you don't just shut your ass up and let's figure out what the hell we wearing! Damn!"

Jazmine did just that. She didn't want to make her feelings for Beyoncé any more obvious than she has. To her knowledge, Tyron was very blind to it and she wanted to keep it that way. How do you tell your best friend that you pretty much hate the love of his life? Or that you might've been romantically involved with for that matter.

Jazmine and Tyron finished their last order before closing up the boutique. They even dug around for some ideas on the outfits they'd be wearing to the concert. Tyron laid across his bed as he sketched around a few ideas on a sheet of paper. A red mini dress for Jaz and a black and red short set for himself. He wanted them to look good seeing as they were going together.

"Ooh! Me and my bitch about to look so good!" Tyron said to himself.

Meanwhile, Jazmine laid in her bed sleep as the sound of her fan went on. She tossed and turned and tossed and turned. Making a slight groan as she adjusted her comforter, holding her pillow tight.

"Who was he?" Jazmine yelled as she slammed the front door behind her.

"Nobody, Jazmine." Beyoncé sighed aloud.

"So you've been talking to nobody all day?" Jazmine squinted.

"Will you chill?" Beyoncé walked into the kitchen.

Beyoncé grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and opened it, taking a sip. Jazmine stood on the other side of the island across from Beyoncé as she stared over at her. The feeling of anger began to try and take over her being, but she didn't want to go off tonight. They had almost had a perfect day together but the constant phone use from Beyoncé made it quite hard for Jazmine to fully enjoy the time they spent together.

"I've been chill all day but you've been so into your phone." Jazmine placed both of her hands on her hips. "All day."

"You do know that I do have a job, right?" Beyoncé leaned over on the island. "It may not be a regular nine to five Jaz, but I do work."

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