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"Oh my goodness!" Beyoncé shrieked.

Jazmine dropped the hanger and rushed over to Beyoncé instantly.

"What?" Jazmine questioned, worried. "What's wrong?"

"This is too cute." Beyoncé cried almost immediately.

Jazmine stood with her hands on her hips, eyeing Beyoncé who held up the miniature yellow romper covered with butterflies in front of her.

"Bey–" Jazmine started.

"I'm getting one in every color." Beyoncé laid the clothing in the cart.

Jazmine laughed to herself as she watched Beyoncé throw one of every color romper into her shopping cart. The two had been in the children's clothing store for almost two hours shopping for everything baby. Beyoncé had woke up early in the morning with the sudden urge to buy everything she thought of for her baby. Jazmine loved every second of it, even the tears.

"Bey, why are you crying now?" Jazmine asked, placing the pack of bibs into the cart.

"Jaz, what if something happens to her?" Beyoncé asked with a face full of tears.

"Hey." Jazmine quickly grabbed her by the shoulders. "Quit talking like that right now."

"But what if something terrible happens?" Beyoncé cried hysterically. "What if she doesn't make it here to meet us? What if she–"

"Bey, look at me." Jazmine said.

Beyoncé did as told though her face was full of tears. The black shades she wore barely hid the fact that she was crying. Beyoncé stood there silently crying as she adjusted her shades.

"You can't be thinking negative thoughts like that." Jazmine shook her head. "Nothing is going to happen to her. She's going to make it here and everything is going to be okay."

"How do you know?" Beyoncé sniffles.

"Because she is so excited to meet her mommy." Jazmine gave a warm smile.

Beyoncé let out a small laugh and wiped her cheeks. Jazmine smiled at the fact she was able to make her laugh regardless of what she was feeling.

"Come on, babe." Jazmine reached out a hand. "Let's get you out of here."

"But I'm not done." Beyoncé whined.

"Bey, you pretty much have the entire store in these two carts." Jazmine laughed. "I think you are done for the day."

Jazmine and Beyoncé headed for the checkout to pay for all the merchandise. Beyoncé stared out the window the whole time as Jazmine drove around. They didn't really have a destination, but they had always loved going for a drive. Jazmine looked over at Beyoncé and could tell she was still feeling a certain way. Though she couldn't understand Beyoncé's feelings exactly, Jazmine was determined to make her happy.

"What do you wanna do now?" Jazmine placed a hand on her thigh.

"Can we go to an animal shelter?" Beyoncé lowly spoke.

"An animal shelter?" Jazmine repeats, not taking her eyes off the road.

Jazmine felt a pair of eyes on her and looked at Beyoncé.

"I just want to interact with them." Beyoncé pouts.

About two hours after, Jazmine found herself setting up a play area with toys. Beyoncé came around the corner with a small golden retriever in her arms, wrapped up in a white blanket with a pink collar around the neck. Jazmine stood to her feet and shook her head.

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