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Jazmine laid in bed sound asleep. She had worked a late night down at the shop with Tyron last night. Later than usual for the two. Jazmine had been up with Tyron since three this morning helping with all of the orders they were suddenly hit with from custom gowns, jackets and dresses. Jazmine knew that Tyron was well known, but she didn't know what caused the sudden change for them to have been hit with orders from all over the map. Jazmine enjoyed the heavy sleep she was in, but that all was ruined when she heard the long, loud, piercing cry of her best friend. She immediately jumped out of her sleep and sat up. The screaming didn't stop as she quickly made her way out of her bedroom.

"Tyron!?" Jazmine yelled out into the hallway.

"I'm in the bathroom!" Tyron shouts.

Jazmine rushed to the bathroom but the door was closed. She opened the door and saw Tyron sitting on the toilet. She let out a breath as she held her chest.

"What the hell, Ty?" Jazmine smacked her lips.

"Get in here!" Tyron snapped.

Jazmine hesitated but walked into the bathroom and sat on the step stool beside the washing machine.

"What?" Jazmine looked at him in frustration.

"Bitch, look." Tyron shoved his phone in her face.

Jazmine wiped her eyes before grabbing his phone. She rest her chin in the palm of her hand as she stared at the screen. Confused, she gave Tyron a look.

"Tyron, I know you're not in here losing your mind over a damn dog?" Jazmine glared.

"Bitch, what?" Tyron tilt his head. "Lemme see that. You always fucking some shit up."

Tyron quickly scrolled through his phone and slowly handed it over to her. Jazmine gently grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. Her eyebrows raised once she saw what had her best friend almost giving her a heart attack in her sleep. Beyoncé herself liked an instagram photo of a gown made by Tyron.

"Aw shit." Jazmine chuckled. "Look at you!"

"Like bitch, tell me that motherfucking Beyoncé did not just like my post!" Tyron shouted.

"She did." Jazmine nods. "And this would explain all the orders we got yesterday."

"Ooooh!" Tyron squealed.

"Alright, I get you're excited but I'ma need you to stop screaming." Jazmine covered an ear. "Some of us are still waking up."

"JAZMINE MARIE SULLIVAN." Tyron dramatically called.

"What now?" Jazmine looked at him confused.

"Bitch! BEYONCÉ IS COMING!" Tyron gasps. "I gotta get our tickets right nah!"

Jazmine stood to her feet and headed for the door. Tyron looked up at her a little confused but paid it no mind as he went on to look for tickets for the two. Jazmine was now back in her bed with the covers up to her forehead. Jazmine shared everything with Tyron. One thing she didn't share with him was her encounter she's had with his most favorite person on the planet. Jazmine let out a sigh as she let her mind wander back to that day.

Jazmine stood outside the door of the dressing room beside security as she anxiously waited for the moment she's been waiting for just about her whole life. She so badly wanted to share this moment with her best friend, but unfortunately he was out on a trip due to business with a client. She just knew she was going to call him as soon as she was through here. The door to the dressing room flew open and Jazmine was just speechless. The honey blonde hair was gorgeous. The body was giving. The face card did not decline. All Jazmine could do was stand there. She couldn't feel her face.

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