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Jazmine had been cleaning up around the apartment most of her morning and afterwards decided that she would go out to run a few errands since she didn't need to be at the shop today. If she didn't have to work or wasn't going out she liked to be comfortable so she went with some black joggers, a white t-shirt and matching black jacket with her favorite pair of sneakers. Jazmine put her purse over her body and grabbed her car keys before leaving out the door.

She let Musiq Souldchild fill her speakers as she drove the streets, nodding her head to the beat. Jazmine and Tyron had been searching around for the perfect decor for their new apartment and she figured she would find some things they both loved, hopefully. Jazmine pushed her cart slowly through each aisle of one of her favorite stores, HomeGoods. She had only been in the store for five minutes and she already had a number of items with her. Some candles, a few picture frames and a couple of pillows for her bedroom. Jazmine's phone rang and she pulled it from her purse.

"Hello?" Jazmine answered as she stopped to look at some dishes.

"You find anything good in there?" Tyron questioned.

"You always spying on me." Jazmine laughed. "A few things, yeah."

"If you find a nice queen sized blanket don't be scared to put it in your cart." Tyron says.

"You have plenty blankets, Ty." Jazmine sighs.

"I don't have a movie date blanket." Tyron laughed. "Just get me one!"

"Okay!" Jazmine whisper-yelled. "Byeee."

"Byeee." Tyron hung up.

Jazmine shook her head as she laughed to herself. Tyron was always spying on her, but it never really bothered her because she would check his location from time to time as well. She picked up a set of wineglasses as she admired the crystal stems.

"Jazmine?" A voice pulled her from her thoughts.

Jazmine looked up and met eyes with the very woman her heart had been longing to see yet wanting to avoid. She stood in place frozen as she didn't know what to say or do. If she could run out of the store this very moment she would but she just couldn't get her feet to move.

"Are you alright?" Beyoncé's voice wrecked her train of thoughts.

"I'm fine." Jazmine nodded. "You here alone?"

"Yeah. I don't need someone on my back every second of my day." Beyoncé blew out a breath. "It gets frustrating."

"Mhm." Jazmine looked down at the set of glassware in her hands.

Beyoncé moved closer to Jazmine as she too looked at the glassware.

"Those are cute." Beyoncé smiles. "You should get them."

"Yeah." Jazmine dryly said.

Jazmine carefully placed the set of glasses in the front of her cart and continued to look throughout the aisle. In her mind she figured that if she pretended Beyoncé wasn't standing here with her she'd just leave. On the other hand she didn't like the fact that Beyoncé was out and about alone without any type of security. Especially being pregnant. She was surprised that she wasn't being attacked right this second.

"You never gave me an answer." Beyoncé said.

Jazmine turned to give her all of her attention. She took in all that was in front of her. Beyoncé stood there in black leggings and a gray hoodie. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and a set of black shades sat on her face. She looked down and noticed the pair of cow slippers on her feet. Jazmine tried to mask her feeling of wanting to laugh.

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