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Jazmine stood with her eyes closed as she let the water run down her body as hot as she could take it. Today seemed like a long day for her as she had to endure the strange behavior that was Beyoncé. The two spent their entire day out house and clothes shopping, for the baby mostly. It was almost as if she couldn't do anything right in her eyes. She didn't understand it but tried not to let it get the best of her.

Jazmine lowly began to sing the song that's been stuck in her head all day long. The song she sang for Beyoncé the very first time they met.

I'm a puzzle, yes, indeed
Ever complex in every way
And all the pieces aren't even in the box
And yet you see the picture clear as day

Jazmine was relieved to lay down after her much needed shower. She found herself staring at a sleeping Beyoncé as thoughts filled her head. She was the most beautiful woman, even more beautiful as she slept. Jazmine thought of how she wanted to give Beyoncé the world and so much more. Though she's pretty much got everything she's ever wanted. She couldn't wait to call her wife someday and to add on to their family. Jazmine slowly felt her eyes closing shut and within seconds she was out like a light.

Jazmine felt herself being shaken repeatedly.

"Jazmine!" Beyoncé cried.

Beyoncé grew frustrated as she tried to get her to wake up. She threw the comforter from her body and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Jazmine, baby please get up!" Beyoncé said as she took deep breaths.

Jazmine slowly opened her eyes, confused as she looked around the room.

"Bey." A sleepy Jazmine groaned. "What time is it?"

"Something's wrong!" Beyoncé panics.

Jazmine plainly looked at Beyoncé as she tried her hardest to come to.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Jazmine rubbed her eyes.

"Jazmine Marie Sullivan, if you don't get your ass out this damn bed, I'm dragging it out!" Beyoncé slapped her thigh as hard as she could.

"Ow! Fuck!" Jazmine yelped. "What the hell?"

Jazmine slowly sat up, trying not to cause more pain than she was in and when she noticed the puddle beside her she immediately jumped out of bed forgetting all about it.

"Oh my goodness!" Jazmine gasped.

"Jaz?" A crying Beyoncé said.

"Shit!" Jazmine brushed her hair from her face. "We gotta go! We gotta go right now!"

"Jaz!" Beyoncé cried, holding her stomach.

"What is it?" Jazmine scattered around the room with a duffle bag in her hand.

"I'm fucking terrified!" Beyoncé began to hyperventilate.

Beyoncé began to pace the floor as she cried uncontrollably. Jazmine threw down the duffel bag and quickly grabbed Beyoncé by the shoulders.

"I-I can't do this!" Beyoncé sobbed. "I'm not going. Nope. I'm not going"

"Bey, I'm right here." Jazmine calmly spoke.

Beyoncé snatched away from Jazmine and stood in front of the bedroom door. Jazmine was too tired to argue with her.

"I'm not going!" Beyoncé cried heavily. "I'm staying right here!"

"Bey, you can't keep her in there forever!" Jazmine rubbed her face up and down. "We need to go-"

"I can't do this! I'm not ready!" Beyoncé started. "I don't want it. I don't even know what to do! What do I do? I've never had a baby come out of my vagina before! Oh my God!"

Jazmine quickly walked up to Beyoncé and grabbed her hands.

"Beyoncé, you need to breathe!" Jazmine shouts. "Relax!"

All of Beyoncé's emotions were starting to rub off onto Jazmine as she felt herself fighting the urge to cry. She figured they both can't be freaked out at a time like this. Jazmine wouldn't dare admit that she's never been in a situation like this and was clueless herself, she knew that would only upset her even more. She tried her best to stay calm the entire way.

Jazmine walked around picking up toys off the living room floor as she held the small storage bin against her body. She had been cleaning ever since she woke up from her nap a while ago. It wasn't much, but it's the most sleep she's gotten in a while. Jazmine was joined by Beyoncé with a small child coming from her hip.

"Hi, my baby." Jazmine cooed.

"This little girl woke me up talking nonstop." Beyoncé laughs. "Tell her how you pulled my hair, JoJo."

"Say ma, I got lots to say!" Jazmine grabbed at the child's feet. "And her weave is a little messed up anyway, that's okay."

Beyoncé playfully punched Jazmine in the shoulder. Jazmine pretended to be hurt.

"JoJo, you see her abusing mommy?" Jazmine faked a cry.

"Stop it." Beyoncé laughed. "Can you take her? I need to use the bathroom."

"Come on, Josie." Jazmine smiled big. "Let's go find something to eat!"

Beyoncé sat on the toilet as she scrolled through her camera roll of the endless pictures of Jazmine with Josie. For a split second, she thought back to the day of her giving birth to her daughter. She was clueless of what to name her but she knew she wanted her name to begin with the same letter as Jazmine's. Beyoncé smiled from ear to ear gawking at each photo.

Just as she was finishing up, she received a text message from an unknown sender. She grabbed her phone from the sink.

(212) 459-8028
"I wanna see my baby"

Beyoncé scrunched her face, confused.

"Who is this?"

(212) 459-8028
"Damn. How many baby daddies you got?"

"Excuse me?"

(212) 459-8028
"Its Jay"

Beyoncé dropped her phone into the sink as the water ran over it.

"Shit!" Beyoncé yelled out.

Jazmine was playing with Josie on the couch when she heard the yelp from upstairs. She quickly stood to her feet, making her way up the staircase with the baby.

"Bey? You okay?" Jazmine questioned.

The door flew open and Beyoncé noticed the worried look Jazmine wore on her face.

"I'm fine." Beyoncé sighed. "I just dropped my phone in the sink."

"Who you sending pictures to?" Jazmine joked.

"Shut up." Beyoncé playfully rolled her eyes. "I think I broke it."

"I mean you shouldn't have been taking pictures." Jazmine shrugged her shoulders, before walking off.

Beyoncé laughed as she watched Jazmine disappear around the corner. Her mind thought back to Shawn or Jay as she'd call him. She didn't understand why he wanted to reach out all the sudden. Things have been going so well with her and Jazmine, being parents to Josie and she wanted no parts in screwing anything up with her this time. On the other hand, she didn't want to be a mother who kept her child away from seeing her father. What's the worse that could happen? Did he actually want a relationship with Josie? So many questions invaded her brain. Beyoncé thought so much on it that it brought on a headache.

What do I do?

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