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"I really need to talk to you." Beyoncé says.

"You really need to talk to me." Jazmine mocked as she matched her tone.

"Jazmine please just–can you give me a second?" Beyoncé begged. "I mean I know you probably don't wanna hear from me."

"I don't." Jazmine let out a deep breath.

"I deserved that." Beyoncé sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for how things–"

Beyoncé's apology was interrupted by Tyron's presence as he burst through Jazmine's bedroom door.

"Hey, I ordered Chinese." Tyron stood in the doorway. "You coming down?"

He never knocks.

"Look I'm sorry I'm kinda busy right now." Jazmine lied. "I gotta go."

Jazmine quickly hung up on her and joined Tyron for dinner. The two sat in the living room, Jazmine under her favorite blanket on the couch and Tyron right in front of her on the floor. They decided to watch one of their favorite movies, Diary of a Mad Black Woman.

"Who was that on the phone earlier?" Tyron asks not taking his eyes off the television. "You seemed aggravated."

"Oh just some telemarketer." Jazmine sighed. "Can't stand them folks."

"They work my nerves." Tyron laughed.

"Right." Jazmine agreed as she continued to eat her food.

"Oh shit!" Tyron squealed.

His outburst startled Jazmine causing her to almost drop her box of rice all over the couch. She grabbed Tyron's head, forcing him to face her.

"What the hell is your problem?" Jazmine questions. "Almost made me drop my rice."

"I forgot to tell you I ran into Kevin at the gas station today." Tyron smirks.

"Kevin... the Kevin that lied to you and stole your credit card?" Jazmine scrunched her face. "That Kevin?"

"Hear me out?" Tyron pleaded.

"What's to hear?" Jazmine looked at him disgusted. "You need to leave that nigga in the dust."

"Marie!" Tyron put a hand over her mouth. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Fine." Jazmine mumbled.

She sat her food down on the coffee table and gave Tyron her full attention.

"What type of bullshit did he come to you with?" Jazmine rests her head in her hand.

"So basically we were just standing in the aisle talking and it was never awkward. I actually could stand to look at him. I enjoyed our conversation." Tyron smiled. "We caught up just a little bit and then he asked me to have dinner with him."

"And you told his ass no." Jazmine nods. "Right?"

"Jaz." Tyron smacked his lips.

"Ty you didn't." Jazmine shook her head. "What about everything he did to you? Do you not remember crying over this dude?"

"How could I forget?" Tyron sighed. "But you don't believe in second chances? I mean I get he fucked up, but people can change, Jaz."

"I don't know." Jazmine leaned back against the couch.

"What I really could use is the support of my best friend." Tyron rest his head on her knee.

"I'll always support you." Jazmine reassured him.

After they finished the first movie they decided on another movie. This time they chose something neither of them had seen before. Tyron would always complain when Jazmine would pick a movie that she's already seen and he was left in the dark. Jazmine looked over at the time on the stove and it was a little after 10pm. She began to hear light snoring coming from Tyron as he was now laying wrapped in his blanket underneath the coffee table. Jazmine debated on whether or not she should wake him but she thought he looked so cute and comfortable. She decided to turn off the tv and went to her room. It had been a while since she left her phone in her room so she almost instantly checked it. This time she had a message from her father. She opened the message and before she could finish reading it she received an incoming call.

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