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Jazmine finished packing up the last box before sealing it with packing tape. She grabbed the black permanent marker and wrote "Bathroom" in big letters before throwing the marker back down on the floor. It had been a little over a year since she's last seen or heard from Beyoncé. On the outside she was a tough shell but she was completely dying from within. Everything reminded Jazmine of her in some way. Like when it stormed and she was scared, she'd remember how good it felt to be laid up in Beyoncé's arms tight. At night she'd find herself tossing and turning, looking for Beyoncé's hand but it was never present.

Or how her best friend is obsessed with Beyoncé and she hears him blasting End of Time downstairs in the living room.

"Tyron!" Jazmine yelled from the hallway.

The music continued to fill the almost empty space and Jazmine grew frustrated inside. She jogged down the steps and searched for her friend. When she found him she immediately cut the music, unplugging the cord to the stereo from the outlet.

"Bitch, what's that for?" Tyron looks up at her in confusion.

"I can stand to hear you play anyone else." Jazmine sighed as she dropped the cord. "Don't you know any other artists?"

"Don't you know Beyoncé is the Queen?" Tyron looks at her.

Tyron and Jazmine have been best friends since high school. They shared a majority of the same interests and they clicked almost instantly. Before they settled on just being best friends, the two tried dating long before but they realized it wasn't for them. After the failed attempt Tyron discovered his sexuality and Jazmine was more than supportive of his decision. She realized that she loved him more as a best friend than anything. Tyron has seen Jazmine through many struggles and even heartaches. Jazmine had also been there through it all with Tyron and his messy choices. But she loved him and he loved her.

"Whatever." Jazmine shook her head as she walked back up the staircase.

"You almost done up there?" Tyron shouts.

"I am done." Jazmine answers him not looking back. "Come help me bring these boxes down."

Jazmine stood against the bedroom door as she directed Tyron safely out of the room with each box. He didn't want her hurting herself so he just made her watch him instead. You see, Tyron can be very overprotective when it comes to Jazmine. Loud, obnoxious and even bossy, but it was all out of love and she knew that. That's why she loved him dearly.

"That's the last box." Jazmine blew out a breath.

"I still can't believe you wanna move out of here." Tyron shook his head. "You love this little house."

"Just need a change." Jazmine shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway I think I'm starting to hate my neighbor."

"Ms. Patterson?" Tyron put his hands up on his hips. "Please! She is such a sweetheart. You are just crazy but that's okay. We can be crazy together."

"Shut up." Jazmine laughs.

Jazmine knew why she wanted to move out her house after just being here for only two years. See it seemed just as she was getting her life together, a new job, new house, and even a new love interest that everything seemed like it was almost like a fairytale, right? Well not exactly. The memories were just too core for Jazmine to forget and move on with her life in this house. If she was going to let things go, she figured she'd need a new headspace as well. A new place to call home.

Jazmine and Tyron agreed to move into a luxury apartment together. They knew they could make it work, him owning his own clothing store and Jazmine, well she was part owner. Not only that but Jazmine loved to support her friend. From modeling, traveling and even learning to do a couple stitching here and there she was a true rider for him. Tyron loved being in business with her. It worked well for them.

"A bitch is getting hungry now." Tyron threw up his hands. "I need to know what's next."

"Okay, well everything is all packed up and ready for the movers." Jazmine says. "I'll give them a call and then we can go from there. That cool?"

"Alright. You got five minutes." Tyron held up a hand.

He can be a trip sometimes. After Jazmine made the call for the movers, they were able to go on with their day. They went over to their new apartment which was just a few blocks away from where Jazmine could say she once called home. There wasn't much in their new place, but a kitchen set and a couch. It was a nice couch at that. Since the movers couldn't get everything over until tomorrow morning, Jazmine and Tyron both agreed to get freshened up and go out for the evening. Jazmine normally liked to sit in the house but she figured maybe it was a great way to get her mind out of the pit it was in.

It was now a little after 7pm and they had just finished getting ready for their evening. Tyron wore an all black dress jacket with white jeans and his sequined satchel. Jazmine came out of the bathroom in a black mini dress and red heels. Her hair was neatly parted in the middle and stopped in the center of her back with loose curls everywhere. She looked damn good. Tyron could tell that she was a bit insecure about her body. He's always reading her.

"Baby, you look spicy!" Tyron exclaimed. "It's giving bad bitch. Watch the fuck out!"

"Thank you." Jazmine blushed.

Something she hasn't done in a while now. Tyron was always sure to make Jazmine aware of how good she always looks. Jazmine wasn't your average thin girl. She had thighs, hips and an ass out of this world. Not to mention the shelf she was built to hold. In real life Jazmine always thought she had a great physique, but the world can be so cruel.

"I just feel like my dress fit like a shirt." Jazmine said tugging down at the end of her dress.

"Stop." Tyron swat her fingers away.

"Yes, daddy." Jazmine laughs.

"Girl stop. You know how much I love that shit." Tyron winked at her. "There. You look good as fuck. Now come on let's go."

"Okay, okay." Jazmine rolled her eyes. "Let me grab my bag real quick."

"One minute, Jazmine." Tyron sighed. "You always fucking around."

"Boy if you don't shut up." Jazmine laughs. "I'm tired of you always talking to me like a child."

"I wouldn't have to if you'd stop acting like one." Tyron said beneath his breath.

"I heard you!" Jazmine shouted from her bedroom. "I gotta use the bathroom."

Tyron sat on the couch with his chin in his hand. He swiped through Tender and many other applications. A few moments later, Jazmine came down the steps with her all white bag over her shoulder.

"You ready?" Jazmine asks as she pushed a curl behind her ear.

"Are you ready?" Tyron stood to his feet. "You sure you don't need to change dress or shoes? Shit."

"Come on." Jazmine grabbed her car keys. "Before I end up fighting you."

Of course, as fate would have it Jazmine was forced to listen to a loud and obnoxious Tyron sing aloud to the tune of Beyoncé's Diva. Jazmine ignored the urge to cut the radio off. She really wanted to fight him now.

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