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Beyoncé laid across her sofa sound asleep until the loud sound of her phone constantly going off woke her. Rubbing her eyes, she tried coming to as she slowly sat up and slid into her slippers. Beyoncé tried gathering her thoughts but by then the ringing had finally stopped. She felt around for her phone but remembered she left it up in her room on her nightstand. Instantly, she looked over at Jazmine who slept like a baby in the recliner beside her. The ringing startled Beyoncé once more and she quickly got up.

"Jazmine?" Beyoncé gently shook Jazmine's shoulder.

Jazmine groaned as she turned on her side, throwing the blanket over her shoulder.

"Jazmine? Your phone is ringing." Beyoncé sleepily said. "Jazmine-"

The ringing stopped and Beyoncé let out a sigh as she stood directly over Jazmine. Her back was killing her from sleeping on the sofa, something she never did. Though she didn't have any alcohol to drink the night before, she barely remembered how their night ended. Beyoncé gently shook Jazmine by the shoulders in hopes to wake her.

"What?" Jazmine whined.

"Your phone was ringing." Beyoncé says.

"What time is it?" Jazmine asked, her eyes still shut.

Beyoncé looked over at Jazmine's phone and tapped the front screen waiting for it to light up.

"9:27." Beyoncé said. "And you have eight missed calls from someone named, Ty?"

Jazmine immediately popped up and grabbed her phone from the armrest of the recliner.

"Excuse me." Jazmine said.

Jazmine gathered herself as she quickly made her way up the stairs and into the bathroom, listening to the ringing in one ear. She didn't remember falling asleep last night at all.

"Jaz?" Tyron answered the phone.

"Hey Ty, I'm sorry I missed your calls I was-"

"Bitch, I was wondering what happened to you." Tyron interrupted. "I'm just glad you're alive. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." Jazmine laughs. "I guess I had a little too much to drink last night."

"Oooh shit, where you at?" Tyron asks.

Jazmine began to panic remembering he had her location.

"A-a friend's." Jazmine stutters. "I mean I met a dude at this convenient store and he invited me over."

"Damn, when I said you needed to settle down I didn't mean do it overnight." Tyron laughs. "Was it good?"

"Ty." Jazmine smacked her lips. "Anyway, what you doing?"

Jazmine heard another voice in the background and rolled her eyes.

"I stayed the night at Kevin's." Tyron said. "I gotta go, but I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too." Jazmine hung up.

Beyoncé slowly walked up the steps and stood in front of the bathroom door. She listened for a second before knocking.

"Jazmine? Is everything okay?" Beyoncé called out.

Jazmine immediately felt herself grow nauseous and instantly fell over the toilet. Beyoncé listened as she debated on whether or not to walk in.

"Oh gosh, are you alright?" Beyoncé grabbed a towel from the linen closet.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jazmine sniffled. "Thank you."

Jazmine wiped her lips and stood to her feet. Beyoncé insisted she use the guest bathroom to shower and get herself together as she went and did the same in her own bathroom. Jazmine took a long hot shower as she stood there letting the water run down her body. In a way it made her feel a little better. She must've replayed last night over a thousand times in her head, but she just couldn't remember falling asleep. She didn't think she had that much to drink at all actually. Once she got out she went into the guest bedroom and was greeted by Beyoncé in nothing but her robe.

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