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The music was loud, the atmosphere was chaotic but that's Gold Fingerz for you. Jazmine and Tyron had been coming here since they were old enough to go out clubbing. They both held hands the whole way as they fought through the crowd. Bodies would mash up against them every two seconds. Jazmine held on tight to Tyron's hand being sure not to let go. Once they got to the bar Tyron ordered them both two shots, each. Jazmine paid no attention as she looked around at her surroundings.

"Here, drink this." Tyron said handing Jazmine the shot.

"What is this?" Jazmine asks looking in the shot glass.

"Just drink it!" Tyron shouts.

Jazmine hurriedly downed the shot and realized it was patron. Tyron threw his back as well.

"Damn, that was a big ass shot glass." Jazmine shook her head.

"Don't be a baby." Tyron gave her a look. "Come on we about to dance. I see chocolate."

Tyron pulled Jazmine into the crowd with him and they began to dance to the loud music that filled the air. Jazmine wanted to enjoy herself as much as possible because she hasn't been able to do that in a while. After a while she realized that Tyron had started dancing with some dudes behind her. She laughed to herself and just let the music take over her body. A tall man with long locs walked up to her and wasn't afraid to start dancing with her. Jazmine didn't mind at all as she turned around and began dancing on him, pressing her ass against his front. Tyron peeped his best friend and gave her a wink. Jazmine laughed and continued to dance with the handsome stranger.

After the vibe of the music died down Jazmine and Tyron met each other back at the bar.

"One of those for me?" Jazmine sat on the stool.

"No, but you can order you something." Tyron laughed as he grabbed all four shots.

"Play all day." Jazmine said.

"You know I got you, baby." Tyron smiles as he scoots two of the shots in front of her. "Looked like you were having fun."

Jazmine took both shots to the head and moved the glasses in front of her. She wasted no time in ordering a real drink this time.

"Me?" Jazmine said pointing to herself. "I thought y'all was about to start gangbanging on the dance floor."

"Bitch, quit playing." Tyron chucked. "I'll be back, I gotta use the bathroom."

"Don't be gangbanging in there." Jazmine cackled.

"I can't make no promises." Tyron said before walking away.

Jazmine sat alone as she watched the dancing bodies on the dance floor cutting up. She hasn't been out to have a good time in a minute so it felt good to be out the house for once.

"How you doin' tonight?" A voice spoke loudly.

Jazmine looked up to see the same guy she was dancing with earlier.

"I'm good, thank you." Jazmine smiles. "How're you?"

"I'm good now that I found you over here." He took it upon himself to take the empty seat.

"Is that so?" Jazmine smirks.

"You so beautiful, I'm Justin." He introduced himself. "What's your name?"

"Jazmine." Jazmine grinned hard as hell.

Jazmine could feel the alcohol setting in real good. She took in his features. Justin was a handsome man and his hair was everything. His cologne smelled amazing and he was dressed fresh as well.

"Justin and Jazmine." Justin gave her a look. "It sound good don't it?"

"You think?" Jazmine giggles.

"Lemme buy you a drink?" Justin pleaded.

Justin went on to buy Jazmine two drinks and she had no issue taking both of them down. It wasn't long before she found herself in the passenger seat of Justin's all black Honda Civic.

"You good?" Justin looked over at her as she laid her head against the window.

"I'm good." Jazmine giggled.

Jazmine searched through her bag and pulled out her phone. She looked at the two texts and calls she missed from Tyron. Jazmine knew he was worried but she needed to get this quickie in. She stashed her phone back into her bag and the car stopped.

"You wanna come–" Justin's words were instantly cut off as Jazmine smashed her lips upon his.

Jazmine straddled his lap and kissed him recklessly as she searched for the recliner on his seat. She pushed Justin back with the rhythm of the chair. If it's one thing Jazmine liked it was being in control when it came to sex. Justin's hands began to roam Jazmine's body all over. Her skin was so soft and she smelled so sweet. The kissing didn't stop as Jazmine moaned into the kiss when he cupped her breasts. He tried to pull the front of her dress down, but she stopped him. Jazmine began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.

"Straight to it I see." Justin smirked.

"Mmhm." Jazmine breathed heavily as she struggled to get her hand inside his pants.

Jazmine reached inside of Justin's pants and revealed his already hardened dick.

"You got a condom?" Jazmine said as she stroked him.

Justin reached inside of his glovebox and pulled out a condom. Once the condom was put on Jazmine wasted no time as she lifted her dress up just enough to give them room for entrance.

"Damn, baby." Justin groaned as he looked up at Jazmine.

Jazmine didn't focus on anything but the feeling of him inside of her as she moved her hips back and forth. Justin cupped her breasts again and this time Jazmine placed her hands over his and just held them there. Justin watched as Jazmine rocked her body back and forth, up and down.

"Fuck.." Jazmine moaned out.

Justin grabbed her hips, bringing himself deeper into her causing her to wince at the feeling of surprise. He started to thrust himself into her and picking up the pace. Jazmine was enjoying every moment of this as she hadn't felt this way in a long while. This was what she needed and she knew it.

"K-keep going." Jazmine let out a deep breath.

Jazmine grabbed Justin's right hand from her hip and placed it around her neck. She bit her lip as she enjoyed the rush she was getting. Justin pulled her down right to his ear and listened as she moaned out louder each time. He couldn't get over how beautiful her moans sounded. He could listen to her all day.

"Ooh shit!" Jazmine cried.

"You gon' cum for me?" Justin gripped her ass as he went even harder.

Jazmine couldn't contain herself any longer like she wanted to. It had been a good while since she's had sex, with a guy on top of that. She actually stayed away from sex ever since what happened with Beyoncé. Jazmine quickly climbed back into the passenger seat as she adjusted herself back to normal. After the two got themselves together Justin offered to drive Jazmine home. Once she got in the house, she saw a sleeping Tyron on the couch with his phone on top of his chest. Jazmine gently shook his shoulder.

"Tyron?" Jazmine called out.

Tyron quickly sat up and looked as if he almost didn't recognize her.

"Well if it isn't Miss Run Away." Tyron sighed. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry, I met a dude and you know how that goes.." Jazmine sat beside him and wrapped her arms around his body.

"You couldn't answer your phone?" Tyron asked as he laid them both back. "Or at least tell me where you were going?"

"I'm so sorryyyy." Jazmine playfully sang in tune. "Do you hear me? I'm soo sooorrryyy."

"Aight, Aretha." Tyron laughs. "You know I love you."

"I love you too." Jazmine put her face in the crook of his neck.

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