Chapter 7

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Aelynn stood next to Elena the next day. It was a pep rally for the first home game of the season and Aelynn could give at least two reasons why she did not want to be there. The first was that she was tired. She hadn't gotten that much sleep the night before and could really go back to bed. The second was she was tired to being dragged into things.

She had her arms crossed over her chest as she stood there. She wore her hair down in loose waves, a deep red shirt that matched their school's color, and jean shorts.

"So how does it feel to be free from cheer?" Aelynn asked, having gone with Elena to turn in her uniform.

Elena looked as if she were deep in thought, "one word. Good."

Aelynn let out a laugh at this then nodded her head towards Stefan who had made his way over to the two girls.

Once Elena saw him she took in his appearance. "Ooh, look at you," she commented, "you look hot in your jersey."

Aelynn gave a nod of agreeance. He did look nice in the jersey, she wouldn't deny that.

"What happened?" Stefan asked, "no more cheerleading?"

"She quit earlier today," Aelynn answered.

"Yeah, I quit, I'm a quitter," Elena gave in, feigning guilt.

"Hey," Stefan put his hands on her sister's arms, "you're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss, you're not the same person," he concluded.

Aelynn felt rather awkward being with them at this point. "Hey, uhm, I'm gonna go find Jeremy," she excused herself and went towards the parking lot.

She ended up finding him once it started to get darker out. It seemed he was off doing extra curricular activities he didn't want her or Elena knowing about. When she saw him on the bed of a truck pouring what she assumed was alcohol in a cup she walked over to him.

"Hey," she said over the commotion, earning a startled look from her brother, "pour me some, would you?"

He gave her a confused look but did so anyways. Once he handed her the cup she took a large drink of it, making a face when she figured out there was no mixer.

"Not want to be here or something?" he asked her, hoping down from the bed.

She gave him a dry laugh, "if I did, you think I'd be drinking with my little brother?"

Jeremy shrugged and let out a sigh, "fair enough."

Aelynn was about to continue speaking until Mr. Tanner started to speak into a microphone.

"Wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait," he spoke. Aelynn groaned once she realized he was going to go into his speech. "Let's be honest here, in the past we used to let other teams come into our town and rolled right over us." the crowd let out boo's, "but that is about to change. We've got some great new talent tonight, starting on offense, and I'm going to tell you right now, it's been a long time since I've seen a kid like this with hands like these." Aelynn felt embarrassed for Stefan at this point. "Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!"

As Mr. Tanner spoke the two siblings sat down on the bed of the truck. she was casually sipping on her drink as Jeremy spoke with his friends who seemed uncomfortable by her presence at first. Then she looked over towards the stage and saw Tyler staring right at her brother with hatred on his face. It seemed like Jeremy saw him too and started to get up.

Aelynn put a hand on her brother's shoulder, "Jer, don't please don't."

Jeremy looked back at her and shrugged off her hand. She jumped up from the truck and tried to get him to stop.

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