Chapter 14

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Elena, Caroline, and Aelynn walked by the buses towards the high school. The last day or two Aelynn had avoided responding to Damon's texts asking her how she was. Even if she had wanted to respond, she couldn't bring herself to do it. He had killed one of Stefan's closest friends. When Elena had told her about Stefan's response to it, her heart broke for him. No one deserved to watch their closest friends die at the hands of one of their relatives. No one deserved to experience death in that way even she had many times over in the last year.

Aelynn was brought back to reality and pulled from her thoughts when she heard her sister ask Caroline a question.

"Have you even tied to talking to Bonnie?"

Caroline huffed, "no, I'm mad at her."

Aelynn only shook her head, "why? Because you tried to break a necklace off her neck and wonder why she got upset with you?" She received dirty looks from both Elena and Caroline at this to which she put her hands up in defense. "Hey, it's the truth, can't be mad at it."

"She needs to make the first move," Caroline countered, snarkiness ever present in her tone.

Aelynn began to wonder if it ever got tiring for the blonde to pretend she was always in the right.

Elena sighed, "be the bigger person."

"Impossible in her presence," Caroline stated.

"Why are you so pissed with her in the first place?" Elena asked out loud, making Aelynn want to hit her own forehead. They both knew the answer, or at least she did since Bonnie had told her at length what had happened at the Grill the night Lexi was killed.

Caroline looked at the two sisters, "she a thief, that's why," then she looked back towards the sidewalk in front of her, "I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle."

Aelynn gave Caroline an unimpressed look. "The necklace you said she could keep? That you said you didn't want?"

Caroline glared at her, "stop using logic and reason against me! Let me be mad!"

"Fine, not our problem anymore."

Caroline looked rather annoyed still, "good, your turn," she gave a pointed look mostly towards Elena. "Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?"

"He's avoiding me," Elena admitted to the blonde while Aelynn just let her eyes wander around the green space outside the school. She went tense as she walked, feeling a chill go up her spine as she caught a glimpse of the woman dressed in 1800's hundred's clothing again. She was staring at her from across the yard, seemingly invisible to everyone else but her. She stopped mid stride, not letting her eyes leave the figure this time around.

She soon felt a hand on her shoulder shaking her.

"Aelynn?" Elena was now in front of her, now moving to grab her sister's face as she let her eyes refocus on Elena. "Are you ok?"

She rapidly blinked her eyes, then let her gaze fall behind Elena once more, "yeah, I just thought I saw someone," her voice was softer and trailed off as Elena turned to look as well.

When the younger of the two didn't see anyone, she let out a sigh and looped her arm with Aelynn's and brought her with Caroline as they continued to walk and talk. Aelynn couldn't pay much more attention to their conversation as she realized she wasn't warming up again like she had the previous times she had gotten the cold feeling up her spine.

"Hey, I'll see you guys in class," Aelynn sputtered out quickly before she left Elena and Caroline. She headed to the nearest bathroom, thanking everything holy that it was empty.

The brunette gripped the sides of one of the sinks and stared at herself in the mirror. She still couldn't shake the cold feeling she had gotten from when she saw the ghostly figured across the green space. She turned her gaze down towards the sink, shutting her eyes tightly before she opened them again and stared into the mirror once more. She jumped back when she saw the woman behind her again. This time she turned around quickly, coming face to face with the ghost.

"Who are you?" Aelynn finally got out, backing herself into the sink as the woman drew closer to her.

She watched as one of the woman's hands came out to reach for her, then she quickly grabbed Aelynn's arm. Immediately, Aelynn felt cold, the feeling spread from her arm to her whole body in a matter of seconds. Then, in the matter of seconds it took for the woman to grab her arm, she was gone, leaving Aelynn panting. She felt like someone had run over her with a bus. Like somehow, her energy was taken from her. She could feel a headache forming behind her eyes as she brought a shaking hand to her forehead.

After a moment of gathering herself together again, she rolled up the sleeve that the woman had grabbed to find a handprint. It was red and slowly becoming more visible.

So it wasn't just my imagination, she thought to herself as she tried to collect her thoughts before leaving the bathroom to go to class. She made a mental note to try and figure out what in the world had just happened. She knew she couldn't tell Elena, at least not yet, she had enough going on with Stefan and she needed to get a bearing on what exactly was happening before it got out of hand.

Without realizing what she was doing, she had taken out her phone and went to her texts. She needed to tell someone about what just happened, mostly so she didn't feel as crazy as she did in that moment in time.

She looked back at the messages with this person, they ranged from 'I'm sorry' to 'let me explain', but she still didn't answer those as she typed.

Spit Fire

Something just happened

She hit send and didn't expect a response to come for another hour or so since it was still before eight in the morning. Still, she received a response in what she thought was record timing.


Are you okay? What happened?

Instead of typing anything out, she held the phone up her ear as it rang. She breathed a sigh of relief when he picked up. And with that, she started to talk.


I know this a very short chapter. I have been very busy the last two weeks and I needed to get something out. But with what has been going on with our lovely main character, this episode is going to be very long and very in-depth with what is happening to Aelynn as she figures out what she can do.

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