#JOHN FRUSCIANTE: hearts and thoughts they fade away

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summary: summary: you got accepted to college, while your high school sweetheart to a band. despite difficulties, could you make it work from now on?

word count: 1.6k

warnings: fluff to major angst, toxic relationship, mentions of alcohol and drugs

''they accepted me to the band! can you believe that?!'' you looked at your boyfriend both with pride and joy

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''they accepted me to the band! can you believe that?!'' you looked at your boyfriend both with pride and joy. he was jumping on his spot. covering his nose and mouth with his hands. when he stopped you ran to him and held him close to yourself.

''congratulations! you can't imagine how happy i am for you, johnny!''

tears of joy fell from his eyes. he sniffed and gave you his heartwarming smile.

''thank you, baby,'' he kissed your hands and let go of them. ''you said you had news too.''

''oh, yeah...'' you hesitated at first, but decided to share it anyway. ''i got accepted, to college!'' you cheered. he couldn't help but gasp. "i knew it! i knew they were gonna accept you! i mean they have no reason to not accept you right? you're intelligent, hard-working, creative... you know what else you are?''

"hm... what?"

''mine...'' he whispered against your mouth and connected your lips in a passionate kiss. after a couple of seconds, you pulled off, smirking at him. he smirked at you too. he picked you up and rushed to the couch. you couldn't help but let out a squeak. ''johnny!''

he gently put you on the couch and went to grab his acoustic guitar. he then sat next to you and started to play 'sleep dirt' by zappa.

at the end of the song, his facial expression changed. like he realized something wistful. you sat closer to him. ''babe, what's wrong?''

''i just,'' he lowered his head ''i'm afraid of what if we break up in the future. you're going to be busy with your lessons, i'm gonna tour the country, the world. can we really make it work? i love you so much and don't wanna let you go.'' he now was looking at you with his worried eyes.

''johnny, sweetheart...'' you started to talk and held his left hand, caressing it gently. ''i, i love you too. so, so much. nothing will change it even if you're on the other side of the world. i always, always gonna love you. if we want to make it out, we both have to put effort into it okay?''

he nodded. after putting his guitar away, he hugged you tightly. ''i love you. you and you only. i'll do anything, i promise. i'll not let things between us fall apart.'' he let you go and kissed your hands. he then intertwined your hands together. relaxing in each other's embrace until one of you had to go.

you tried, he tried,

but guess you both failed at keeping the promise you made to each other.

the first months after he joined the band were actually good. like nothing changed. him coming back to you every day after an exhausting day. but still had the energy to show his love to you. you, on the other hand, would show him your love for him in most simplest ways. like cooking, writing words of affirmation on little colorful papers, and more and more...

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