#CLIFF BURTON: wish you were here

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summary: spending valentine's day with your beloved one while listening the vinyl he bought for you

word count: 1.2k

warnings: major fluff to angst with no happy ending

"hey babe! i have a surprise for you," you said happily while approaching him with a small box

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"hey babe! i have a surprise for you," you said happily while approaching him with a small box.

"oh? is that my late birthday gift?" he asked playfully.

you rolled your eyes. "babe, you know i didn't forget your birthday. indeed, i was the first one to celebrate you."

"yeah, because we live in the same house." he got more playful.

"ugh... i just wanted to connect your birthday with today. i'm not that rich, you know. so i bought only one thing for these two days."

"hey..." he said while taking the small box away from you and putting it on the coffee table. "i'm just messing with you. you don't know how much i appreciate all the things you do for me. i love you and you only. i'm so lucky to have you." he now trapped you between his arms. he was smelling mix of cigarettes and your favorite cologne of his.

"i love you too cliffy. so, so much. and i think we are both lucky to have each other." you looked up to him and met with his sweet smile. he kissed your forehead and then gently pulled you away.

"i have a surprise for you too. wait here." while leaving the living room. making you feel excited.

after a couple of minutes, he returned with a brown paper bag. he then sat next to you.

"first, open yours." you said while grinning. he nodded and took the box from the table and started to open it.

"it's kinda heavy. babe..?" he looked at the thing inside the box. it was a bass pedal he had been looking for a while.

"babe!" he put away it and then hugged you tightly. "you don't know how much i needed this, thank you so much!" he said while hugging you tighter.

you were working hard on your job to buy this. you didn't tell him, but he already knew that. it was the best gift for both his birthday and for valentine's day.

"cliff, babe, i can't breathe-" he finally let you go but the grin on his face didn't.

"now open yours."

you took the paper bag to your lap and took out what was inside of it.

holy shit...

it was pink floyd's wish you were here vinyl.

and it was from the 1975 edition. even so, the cover of it was looking new.

you couldn't help but gasp loudly. he knew this was your favourite album of them. whenever y'all go to vinyl shops you would look for this.

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