#JOHN FRUSCIANTE: birthday surprise

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summary: you wanted to surprise your husband on his birthday while he's on tour

word count: 3.1k

warnings: fluff to smut

• changes in canon event (their vive latino concert is on his birthday)

• changes in canon event (their vive latino concert is on his birthday)

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it was one and a half months since your husband had been gone on tour. he came back in the third week of october and went away again in the end middle of the second week of january. you were cheerful and grateful for that. but the time has come for him to go again.

you would call each other in the daytime, but mostly at night. talking about your days, your work and his tour, places they were visiting in the daytime, their silly little moments...

but you could tell that he'd already missed you like crazy. he was longing for you, so you did. sometimes, he couldn't sleep so you would sing him some country songs. he was cheerful about touring and playing to fans, but he was sad at the same time. he really wanted you by his side, especially on his birthday.

you would tell him that you couldn't even if you wanted. but you were wondering if you work your ass hard would your boss let you go for a couple of days? you did as you thought for the past month to catch her attention, and eventually, she did let you go for a few days.

you then planned a surprise for him in your head. thought about entering on stage in the middle of the tour before they started to sing one of their songs. the guys would support you with words. you smiled to yourself and then called anthony. he was surprised and cheerful at the same time. he told you that he was going to talk with flea and chad.

they all agreed on it and waited for your arrival in mexico. they wanted to greet you at the airport but you thought john was gonna be suspicious, you couldn't let him know this.

and finally, today was his birthday.
you bought him a white, printed baggy shirt which once you together saw but couldn't buy at that moment. but you knew he wanted this.

it was early morning, and you decided to call him. he didn't pick up in first time. you thought he was sleeping so you didn't call back. but after a couple of minutes, he called you back.

"good morning dear!" you cheered and heard his chuckle. "morning, angel."

"i wanted to celebrate your birthday. i hope i'm the first."

"sorry but, the guys rushed into my room in the middle of the night and..." he laughed.

"oh, that is so expected of them," you chuckled and continued.

"i wanted to say how much happy and grateful i am for having you in my life. not only having you in my life, i feel these things for your existence too. not only me, your family, the guys, and the entire world. we all love and appreciate you so much. you're so special and valuable to us. i love you, johnny, so so much you don't even know it. i really want to spend my entire life with you and grow old together. happy birthday!"

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