#JERRY CANTRELL: through thick and thin

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summary: you promised to be by your boyfriend's side, even though you weren't together anymore (?)

word count: 3k

warnings: fluff, major angst towards the end (w/ a happy ending, i guess?), alcohol & drugs

warnings: fluff, major angst towards the end (w/ a happy ending, i guess?), alcohol & drugs

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— 1988

"come onnn, you should definitely go with me. they are all amazing, i'm not saying these because my brother is in there." your friend, melinda, was trying to convince you to go to show of her bassist brother mike's and her drummer boyfriend, sean's new band.

"i don't know, mel, tomorrow evening i will be hella exhausted from work and i don't think i will have enough energy to go see them."

"i can take you there with cab after work!" she suggested. you shrugged. "then, maybe..." she didn't even let you finish and hugged you. "you won't regret it! you know how good my brother is at bass, and this guy, layne, oh my god... you would be fascinated by him i swear. and the guitarist, jerry, he's—"

"okay, okay. let it be a surprise to me."

like you told yourself, you were exhausted as hell. gladly you saw melinda inside a cab and she was waving at you. you smiled and entered the cap, sat next to her.

after about 40 minutes you arrived at the place. you grabbed drinks for you two and stood close to the stage. you really wanted to go and rest, or sitting somewhere here, at least.

a couple of minutes later, the show started. melinda was right, you were fascinated by their frontman's voice. he was a brunette man with big, blue eyes. his voice was just, so unique and powerful you couldn't even describe it.

then you laid your eyes on the blond guitarist with blue eyes. he was wearing a white vest and revealing his torso. you first watched how his fingers were moving on the neck of his guitar. he was absolutely talented. you then looked at his face. damn, you thought. his platinum yellow hair was looking majestic while he was headbanging. your cheeks flushed and you felt melinda's smirk on you. you shake your head and start to pay attention to the rest of the band.

after about 30 minutes, the show ended. you clapped at them loudly like everyone else. they really were something else. you felt like they were going to be an impactful band in the future.

"come on, you already know mike and sean. let me meet you with layne and jerry." you wanted to protest at first but she was already dragging you backstage. when you two approached the guys, melinda hugged everyone except her boyfriend, sean. she kissed him and you saw mike's gaze at them. you then hugged mike and sean. melinda then coughed. "jerry, layne, this is [name]. a good friend of mine and mike's."

"hi, nice to meet you!" layne smiled at you. you returned the smile at him. "nice to meet you too. i, i don't know how to say but i've never heard a voice like yours, you're very talented." you saw his cheeks get slightly pinkish and responded with a cheerful thanks.

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