#EDDIE VEDDER: green seashell (part 2)

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summary: you were an architect in seattle, and one of the things kept you sane was your rockstar friends. one day, they found a new singer to their new band and you went to listen to them.

word count: 2.4k

warnings: fluff, some angst

• inspired by sarah jio's always novel

• inspired by sarah jio's always novel

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— october, 1990

"fuck, fuck, fuck... fuck!" you yelled at yourself when the file you've been working for 7 hours closed without saving it. you didn't forget to save it, your computer just froze for a couple of minutes. you were waiting patiently, but suddenly, your computer shut down.

you suddenly heard someone knocking on the wall. "hey! can't you be quiet?" it was your next-door neighbor stone. you sighed and grabbed your things, wore a coat and left the home. he heard that you were leaving and he opened to door.

"hey, sorry for yelling. is everything alright?" he asked gently.

"no, my project's gone forever. i have to start from the beginning. and my ass hurts from sitting straight. guess i'm going out for a walk now."

"hey, stop by on the way home, and bring some snacks!" you heard jeff's excited voice and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"damn, you really need a new computer." he said playfully.

"yeah, you don't need to remind me." you rolled your eyes and waved at him then left the building. it wasn't raining to your surprise, but the weather still was cold. you moved here 6 years ago but still couldn't get used to the atmosphere of the city. you missed hot california days.

you were walking with heavy steps. thinking about which excuse you should try on your boss tomorrow. you weren't like this. you were actually pretty punctual and disciplined at your work. but your ancient computer started to make things worse for you. and your current goal was buying a new computer.

you entered a market and bought some snacks for you and the boys. after about 25 minutes you were in front of their door. your cheeks were red as tomato. stone would sure make fun of it while jeff would say you look cute. and that's what happened.

"cut it out, stone. i went for forgetting about my problems but you yourself creating a problem for me" you said playfully while lying on their couch.

"did you go for finding excuses for your boss but realized that you used them all on him?" he smirked at you. damn, he really knew you well.

he was the first person you met in the city. you would just say good morning and good night when you encountered. it was until you were coming home with a large cardboard for your project. he was behind you and it fell on him accidently. you apologized continuously but he offered to help you with your project instead. that's how you became close.

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