#JOHN FRUSCIANTE: unfinished things

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summary: your daughter and your ex-husband planned to spend weekend together but their plans changed because of the weather

word count: 3.1k

warnings: fluff, some ex-couples drama (?) because i feel like a bitch :P exes toooooo... 🌚 grammar issues ‼️

a/n: i haven't write anything for a while so i think my writing gets bad but i tried my best :)

a/n: i haven't write anything for a while so i think my writing gets bad but i tried my best :)

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"did you prepare your bag?" you asked your daughter while checking the refrigerator. you heard a yeah! with a cheerful tone. she then came down from the stairs and stood near you.

"will you come with us?" there was hope in her voice and was looking at you with insistent eyes. you just smiled. "honey, it's your weekend. spend some time with daddy."

"but i want you beside us! why can't i spend my weekend with both of my parents?" she pouted and looked away. you sighed and squeezed her shoulder. "baby, we spent time every weekend of the past month together. i'm pretty sure john wants to spend time just with you and nicole."

she stood before the window, checking the outside. "i don't want to see her." she muttered. you frowned. "what do you mean? she treats you badly or something?" she didn't answer or look at you. "i'm not letting you go unless you answer me, young lady." you stricted your tone.

"it's not that; it's just... every time i tell her what we did three of us together, she gets kinda... hurt and mad. it makes me not want to talk to her. i think she dislikes me."

you didn't know how to answer, honestly. you and nicole had nothing against each other. she was just the second wife of your ex-husband, and you were his stepdaughter's mother. you and your ex-husband also had nothing against each other. you weren't jealous or something. it was his life, his happiness.

that was something you were saying to yourself all the time.

but deep down you wouldn't lie if you said you missed him. not only his presence on weekends, you romantically missed him too. the more he was at your side, the more you caught these feelings. but he wasn't yours, not anymore.

you separated your ways in a good way when your daughter was only six. it didn't cause anything bad to her, though. although by law, he could spend time with her on weekends, he would still come on some days of the week.

"maybe she feels like that because she misses you and wants to be with you too? people can get jealous."

"but she's not my mother. i want you and dad by my side all the time. a couple of days isn't enough for me. why can't we always be together? why did you two separate anyway?"

you sighed. "sweetheart, we've already talked about this many times. sometimes peo-"

your words were cut off when you heard the ringing bell. your daughter immediately rushed to the door and opened it. she gasped when she saw your ex-husband opening his arms to her. she then jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "daddy! i missed you!"

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