#SLASH: i know it's over

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summary: you tried various ways to save your marriage. and just when you gave up, all of your world turned upside down

word count: 2.7k

warnings: angst, london and cash are your sons bc i said so 🥸, cheating, grammar issues

warnings: angst, london and cash are your sons bc i said so 🥸, cheating, grammar issues

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late 00's

"so, is he coming or..?"

"i don't know." you simply replied and buried your face in your palms. "he said he'll try to come but, i don't think he will."

"it's been 8 sessions. 8 weeks, that means 2 months. you two have been coming here for two months and," your therapist softly sighed, trying to find suitable words. "i believe he hasn't tried to change your shared, troublesome situation. since the beginning."

you rubbed your temples. "so you're saying that he had made up his mind a long time ago?"

"i'm afraid so." you both sat in silence.

you and your husband, saul, had problems in your marriage. and since you wanted to save it, you tried to find various ways. cooking his favorite dishes more often, helping him with the simplest and hardest things, listening very carefully about his day, job, tour, seducing him, and having sex more often...

but those acts didn't change too much. so for the final solution, you found a marriage therapist and started your sessions. as time went by, he started to not join you sometimes and you've been coming here all alone for a month now.

"i tried everything i could. i tried to show him my love for him in various ways. with more acts of service, more physical touch, more quality time, more words of affirmation... i don't know what should i do now. should i rip myself out? will this be enough for him?"

"no, of course not. even though his love for you ended, it doesn't mean he wants to see you harmed."

"i... i think i know the reason. i'm just, not pretty anymore."

"nonsense. you know i only say things you need to hear, not what you want to hear. and i'm saying, you look mesmerizing by your age. it's not about look."

"then what is it?!" you raised your voice a little bit with teary eyes. suddenly your stomach started to hurt your insides. your therapist looked at you with pitiful eyes.

"i couldn't manage to get to know him enough to say this but, maybe he just doesn't want to be tied to responsibilities about his family?"

"i don't want it to end." you hopelessly mumbled and tried to calm yourself and your body down.

"[name], it doesn't matter if you want to continue or not, he already ended it a long time ago."

"we have kids. we have two sons."

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