We Need Help

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Flashback - Two days ago

- ''So, let me get this straight. This guy managed to build bombs that can only be defused by typing in the answer to a riddle that he gives us. And every time he does, we can't track him?'' – Lou was frustrated. This guy has been two steps ahead of them since this thing started.

- "Not just that, but the answer appears to have to be in computer coding." - Chin added.

- ''This goes way beyond my skillset. This guy is scary good. We need someone as good or better than him.'' – Kono said, feeling frustrated herself.

- ''We need Toast. He might be able to help.'' – Steve claimed, hoping that their friend Toast, a great hacker, could help catch this guy.

- ''Toast is on the mainland. Something about his father.'' – Danny answered, knowing that their chances of finding someone else were close to none.

- ''How about his roommate, what's his name? Bullwinkle?''

- ''Also on the mainland.''

Danny knew that things were going to get worse before they got better. He knew that they needed someone who could rival with this hacker, someone who could give him a run for his money. The thing was that both of their usual guys were out of the island.

He still had one person he could ask. A person that no one on the team knew about. But doing so would make that person break a promise and he was never too keen on breaking promises. He thought he still had time. He wasn't going to ask that person until he was absolutely sure that there was no other option.

- ''Kono, just do your best. We'll see if we can come up with either a way to find this guy or someone to help you.'' – Steve said to Kono, knowing very well that there was only so much that she could do.

- ''Okay, boss. I'll see what else I can do.''

As Kono is typing away in the HQ computer to try and find a way to track this guy, Steve can't stop thinking that it would be next to impossible for Kono to find him. Not that she wasn't good, she was, but she was also right when she said that this went beyond her skillset. Their only hope was that they could end this as soon as possible, before someone got hurt or worse.

Present Day

For the past four days the team has been trying to find this hacker, the "Dark Wizard" as he calls himself, to no avail. And, to make matters worse, the riddles kept getting harder.

In the beginning the riddles were fairly easy, nothing that Kono couldn't figure out. But as time went by, the riddles became harder and soon it wasn't just Kono trying to solve them, so were the techs from the lab. With everyone trying to solve them, they eventually succeeded, but this was just a taste of what was to come.

That's when things became worse and Danny had to make a hard decision. He didn't want to but he knew it was needed. He was still trying to come to terms with his decision when he pulled up to the house. He knew what the consequences would be if he didn't do this.

He took a deep breath and knocked quickly on the door.

- "Hey, big brother. What's cooking?'' – Summer asked her big brother, a smile that could light up a room on her lips.

- ''Hey Summer. Listen, I don't have a lot of time. I need to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me, okay?'' – that raised a few red flags with Summer. The look on her brother's face was clear: this wasn't a social visit.

- ''Sure, Danno. What's going on?''

- ''Do you still have your things from back when you were a hacker?''

- ''Danny, what's going on?''

- ''Summer, please, just answer my question.'' – her brother was pleading with her. Now she was sure something was terribly wrong. He had never asked that before. It was somewhat of an off-limits topic, to the both of them.

- ''Yeah, I still have them. I told you that I was going to keep them because of some of the programs I have in those hard-drives. If they fell in the wrong hands, they could be dangerous. But, why you're asking me this, Danny? I'm retired, remember?''

- ''I know, but something happened and I need you to come out of retirement. Just this once.'' – the look on his face was all the explanation she needed. She didn't care what this was about, her brother wouldn't be asking her to break the promise she made him all those years ago, if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

- ''Okay, give me ten minutes to get everything and we'll go.'' - Danny let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as she made her way towards her bedroom.

Summer went straight to her bedside, catching her reflection on the closet door mirror. Anyone who would look at her wouldn't believe that she used to be a hacker: she was of medium height, curvy, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She didn't have a troubled past, or a fight to pick with the government, like most hackers do. Add to that the fact that her father was a firefighter and her brother a cop and everyone would think that she was joking. She definitely didn't fit into the stereotypical hacker look.

She pulled her nightstand to the side, took a piece of the hardwood floor out and pulled a backpack that was tucked inside. In there were all of her hard-drives. After collecting that, she returned to the living room where she went on to gather her laptop, phone and both chargers.

- ''I'm ready. Shall we?'' – she asked her brother.

Little did she know what she was about to get herself into and that the ''Dark Wizard'' had made things personal.

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