Dead Or Alive

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It's funny how time flies by. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and before you know it, things that had hurt you once, can't hurt you anymore. That was Summer's belief when she woke up that day, feeling better than she had been since her relationship with Steve ended.

Summer woke up, got out of bed and got ready for another day of crime fighting. The last few months were rough, having to see Steve every day, plus seeing him with Catherine, it wasn't easy. More times than she would like to admit she had thought about quitting 5-0, but she didn't. She wasn't gonna let her feelings for Steve get in the way of her doing her job.

While driving to the palace to start her day, she got a call from Danny.

- "Go for Summer."

- "Summer, we just got a tip that a gun deal is about to happen in a parking lot downtown. How far away are you from the office?"

- "I'm three minutes out. Just around the corner."

- "Okay. We'll meet you out front. Bye."

- "Okay. Bye."

Summer pulled up to the palace and the team was already outside, in full tactical gear, getting ready to move out. Getting out of the car, she noticed that Catherine was there as well, getting ready with the rest of team. Brushing it off, she walked over to them.

- "What do you need?"

- "Check the cameras around the parking lot and run background checks on everyone that goes in and out, starting from the last twelve hours." – Steve told her.

- "Got it. I'll let you know if I find anything. Stay safe you guys." – And with that she rushed to the office.

Summer started going through the footage of every camera she could find that had a view of the multiple entrances of the structure, only to come up empty. "Something's not right. There should be something here.", she thought, "If a deal is going down, where are the vans with the guns? Where are the bad guys? There's something wrong with this."

She had been hearing them through her earpiece and just as she's about to tell them that there was something wrong with the info they had gotten, she heard Steve yell "Bomb! Bomb!". And that was the last thing she heard from them before the loud bang of something coming crashing down hit her like a wave.

It took Summer a few seconds to realize what had just happened, but when she did, she panicked.

- "Danny, Steve. Come in. Danny, Steve. Is anybody listening?"

- "Summer, do you have a twenty on Danny and Steve?" – Lou asked, amidst coughing and confusion on his end.

- "No, Lou. They're not answering their coms. Where's everyone else? Are you okay?"

- "I'm okay. Kono, Chin and Catherine are all safe. A bit banged up, but alive."

- "Okay, good. Any word on my brother and Steve?"

- "No, nothing. Summer, I'm pretty sure they're trapped under the rubble." – The thought of her brother and Steve being trapped under tons of debris made her panic. She knew that Danny couldn't be handling the situation very well, considering his claustrophobia. And this was if they were even alive. "No, you can't think like that. They're alive. They have to be alive.", she berated herself for thinking like that.

Meanwhile, under the rubble.

- "Danny. Danny." – Steve yells, frantically.

- "Hey."

- "I got you, buddy. I'm right here. I got you."

- "My leg's pinned. I think I broke a rib. Where's the other guy? Huh?"

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