Let Her Live

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Steve followed behind Danny as the paramedics rushed Summer through the emergency doors of Tripler Army Hospital. His heart hurt knowing that she was dying because of him. "They have to save her. They just have to.", he thought just as they were barred from going beyond the doors to the operating rooms.

They made their way to the waiting area, no one leaving and all with heavy hearts, not knowing if she would make it or not. The team spread around the room. Steve sat in a corner, watching as more of their friends and family arrived, his heart getting full as he saw how many people Summer has touched with her kindness and loving nature.

Danny was sitting up front, Melissa and Grace by his side. The man kept trying to hold back the tears, but every now and then one would escape his eyes. On the row behind him was Chin with Malia and Kono with Adam. Lou was standing up, his wife Renee with him. Kamekona had just arrived, bringing food with him and the loved one's of every member of his team were trying to get them to eat something.

Steve layed back on his chair and leaned his head against the wall behind him, closing his eyes. Every memory he had of Summer started flashing before him and he could barely keep it together, tears escaping his eyes. Feeling someone sitting next to him, he opened one eye and saw Danny sitting there. The man was a wreck, they both were, but they still knew that for Summer's sake, they had to keep it together.

- "She'll be okay, right?" – Steve asked him.

- "She's a fighter." – It was all that Danny could say before Steve started openly crying. Danny hugged him, feeling the man shake violently in his arms, his own tears falling.

Everyone else watched, tears in their eyes, knowing all too well how Steve and Danny were feeling. Summer had become family to them, in different ways to each of them. To Kono, she was the sister she never had, the one she confided everything with; for Chin, she was the little sister he didn't know he wanted, going the extra mile to help him, even when he didn't know he needed help; to Lou, she was like a daughter, wanting to protect her at all costs. Their respective significant others felt the same way, including Kamekona, who took Summer under his wing and made sure that she was always well fed. It was something to watch that giant man becoming a teddy bear when she was around.

Steve had finally gotten his emotions under control when Summer's doctor walked out. If he was being honest, he didn't hear a word the doctor had said. All he heard was that she was out of surgery and was doing okay. He knew that the next twenty-four hours were crucial to her recovery, that's why the doctor was being mildly optimistic. But just when Steve thought everything was going to be okay, the doctor says that she's in a coma. It felt like someone had just punch him in the stomach and all air left his lungs.

The doctor told them that as soon as she was in her room, a nurse was coming to get them, but Steve didn't hear it. He was already out the door. He needed air, fresh air. He heard someone calling out to him, but he just ignored them. Once outside, Steve felt that it didn't matter how many times he took deep breaths, his lungs were never filled. He couldn't breathe. "She's in a coma. What if she doesn't wake up?", he thought as he squatted against the wall.

The feel of a hand on his shoulder pulled him out of those thoughts. Looking up, he saw it was Danny.

- "You okay?" – Danny asked him, as he stood up.

- "I don't know."

- "She'll be okay. She's not out of the woods yet, but like I said, she's a fighter."

- "This is my fault Danny. We wouldn't be here if I hadn't messed with the wrong person. I'm sorry Danny. This is all on me." – It came out of nowhere. All he felt was a hand colliding with his jaw. Looking up, he saw Danny shaking his hand and massaging his knuckles. He didn't fight back, in fact he got ready to take another one.

- "I told you that I'd punch you if you still felt like this was your fault. Now listen to me, this is not on you. This is on that piece of shit. He was the one who decided to come after one of our own. But that's over, it's done. He will no longer hurt anyone. So, right now, you need to focus on Summer. She's counting on all of us to bring her back, to help her wake up. Do you think you can do that?"

- "Yeah. I can do that. Thanks, Danny."

Steve got up and hugged Danny. Danny was right. Now they need to focus on helping Summer wake up, focus on helping her get better. The time to feel sorry for himself was gone. "She'll be okay. God, let her be okay.", he thought as he followed Danny back to the waiting room.


- "Matty?"

- "Hey sis."

- "Am I dead?"

- "What do you think?"

- "I don't know. I don't feel dead, but then again, if I was I wouldn't know, would I?"

- "I guess not."

- "Matty, why are you here?"

- "Well, you got three guesses. One, I'm an angel of the Lord, here to convince you to come to heaven with me. Two, I'm the Devil, here to convince you to come to hell with me. Or three, I'm just a manifestation of your subconscious. Which one do you think it is?"

- "So what, I'm unconscious or something?"

- "You're in a coma, sis. Sorry."

- "How? What happened?"

- "You lost a lot of blood and you almost died, but Danny-boy and the rest of your team found you just in the nick of time."

- "How long have I been like this?"

- "Too long sis. They miss you, Summer. Not just Danny. All of them."

- "I miss them too, Matty."

- "But?"

- "I'm scared, Matty."

- "There's nothing to be scared about. Danny is there waiting for you. He'll always be there."

- "I know."

- "Plus, there's also McGarrett. The man loves and adores you Summer. And I know you love him too. Just do what feels right and everything will fall into place."

- "I guess. Matty, I miss you."

- "I know little sis. I miss you too."

- "What do I do now?"

- "You recover and when you're ready, you wake up. But you need to wake up, Summer. You need to."

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