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- ''So, are you going to tell me what this is all about? So I know what I have to do?'' – Summer asked her brother as they were making their way through traffic, heading towards the palace, Danny driving like a maniac.

- ''Have you been following the news lately?''

- ''Yeah, somewhat. Why?''

- ''We've been trying to arrest this guy, this hacker, for the past four days. He sets up a bomb, at some very public place, that can only be disarmed if you enter the correct computer coding as an answer to a riddle that he gives us. Up until now, Kono and the boys from the lab have been able to solve these riddles, but things got a bit... complicated.''

- ''What do you mean by complicated?''

- ''This time he decided to plant a bomb in a school bus that has 21 kids in it, plus the teacher and the bus driver. We can't evacuate them because we have no idea where they are and if we do find them, and try to evacuate the bus, the bomb goes off. And Summer...Gracie's in there.''

- ''WHAT?'' – she didn't know what else to say. Her niece, her sweet, beautiful, caring niece was on that bus. Even before Danny had said that Gracie was on the bus, she already knew that she would do everything in her power to help and save those kids, but now, well, now was personal.

- ''That's why I'm making you break your promise, that's why I went to get you. Our usual guys aren't on the island and you're the only one who can help save these kids, Summer. I don't like it, but it is what it is. But, there's something else.''

- ''Now what?''

- ''Before I went to pick you up, we got a message from him. He said that, in order to find him, we needed to find the white fairy. For some reason, I remembered that your hacker name used to be ''White Fairy'', so I took it as a sign to go and get you. Maybe he knows you, or maybe he doesn't, either way we need you.''

Summer knew she would have to bring her A game, if she was to help those kids and find out who this guy is. It has been a long time since she has hacked into something or that she even had to do coding but something like that was like riding a bike, you never forget.

They got to the palace and as they walked up to the building, a question popped into Summer's mind.

- ''Have you told them?''

- ''What?''

- ''Have you told the team about me? How I used to be a hacker?''

- ''No, I haven't. I figure it would be best if it was you who told them. After all, it is your past, not mine. I thought it was not my place to tell them.''

- ''Okay. Just so I know what I'm walking into.'' – Knowing that she had to tell the team about her past made her nervous. It was, as all things like this are, complicated, but she knew that, in order to help save those kids, she would have to trust them.

But, how will they react when she tells them that she used to be a hacker? Will they see her as a threat? She didn't know what to think. All she could hope for was that they would let her just do what she was there to do and leave the questions for after they rescued those kids.

This were the thoughts that ran through her mind as they made their way up to the 5-O HQ. Summer soon realized she was close when she heard the very distinct voice of Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett.

- "Has anyone seen Danny?"

- "I leave for five minutes and you're already missing me? I wonder what will happen when I retire." – Danny teased Steve, knowing all to well that his best friend was just worried that he might had gone and done something stupid, which he contemplated on doing but he chose to enlist Summer instead.

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