What The Heart Wants

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Steve walked into his house to find Catherine sitting on the couch waiting for him. He could see she was upset and he knew exactly why. It was time he talked to her, and he wished he didn't have to, he wished he could just take a shower and put this God forsaken day behind him, but he had to talk to her.

He sat down on the couch next to her and sighed. She looked over at him and he knew this wasn't going to be easy.

- "Why did you push me away? I don't understand."

- "Catherine, listen..."

- "It's because of her, isn't it? Danny's sister, Summer?"

- "Catherine, look. While I was down there I had time to think. And I have to be honest with you, I can't keep doing this. I can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it isn't."

- "I admit that things have been different the last few weeks but it's normal, Steve. I mean, we're different."

- "I get that Catherine, I really do, but the truth is that, what I thought I felt for you wasn't real. I thought I still loved you when in reality I loved the idea of you. I got confused and what I thought was love, was in fact longing, for the past, for what we had. Being trapped down there gave me perspective. I'm sorry, Catherine, I really am."

- "So what? What are you saying?"

- "I'm saying that it's over, Catherine. I'm sorry, but I can't be with someone I don't love."

- "And you love her? You don't know if you love her. You love the chase, the forbidden fruit, Steve, and that's exactly what she is. She's Danny's sister and that makes it forbidden. That's why you think you love her. Nothing else." – She was pissed, he could tell.

- "You're wrong, Catherine. I love her. It might have taken a while to see it, but now I know for sure how I feel for her. Choosing you over her was a mistake to begin with, I see it now. And I'm not going to make that mistake twice. I'm sorry Catherine but we're done. It's over."

- "Fine. Whatever. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize I was right all along." – And with that, she stormed out.

Steve closed his eyes and sighed, leaning his head back, wishing things could've gone differently. He wished they could've remain friends, but he was now seeing that that was impossible. He still cared about her, but only as a friend. He was sure that with time she will come to realize that this was for the best. And if she doesn't, well, as long as she doesn't try to get in between him and Summer, then it's all good.

Summer. There's another talk he had yet to have. "Might as well do it while I still can", he thought. He got up and made his way out of the house and back into his truck. Looking at the rearview mirror, it was then that he really saw how he looked. Concrete dust covered his hair and clothes, a few scratches on his face and a cut on his upper lip. He didn't care. He knew that that conversation was more important than the way he looked.

After driving for a while, he finally arrived at her house. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out of his truck and walked up to her door. He felt nervous, his hand slightly shaking when he rang the doorbell. "Here goes nothing.", he thought just as she opened the door.

Summer could hardly believe the sight in front of her. There Steve stood, covered in dust, battered and slightly bruised.

- "Steve? What's wrong?"

- "Nothing's wrong. You got a minute? I need to talk to you."

- "Sure. Come in. Are you okay?"

- "I'm okay, Summer." – He smiled. - "Can we talk out here?"

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