One Of Us

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It has been a couple of weeks since Summer and Steve had begun her surf lessons. They had just finished their lesson for the day and were standing in the backyard, drying off.

- "Hey, Summer. There's something I wanna talk to you about." – Steve said, seriousness in his voice, grabbing her attention.

- "Okay. What's up?" – She saw him signaling to take a seat on one of the lounge chairs.

- "I've been thinking. What you did that day, with that hacker, none of us could do. For situations like that, we usually rely on Toast or Bullwinkle, if their available. That's when I realized that we could use someone like you on the team full-time."

- "Well, if you want, I can see if I know someone who'd be willing to work for 5-0 full-time. I know a lot of people who would jump at the opportunity of going legit." – Summer said, already having a few names in mind.

- "No, you misunderstood me. I want you on our team. I want you to come work with us. Your skills would be an immense asset to us. Most of the time you wouldn't have to hack into anything, but if a case shows up that requires it, then you'd already be there and would save us a ton of time. Plus, you already know everybody and you're Ohana to us, so it's a no brainer, really."

To say Summer was dumbstruck was an understatement. There Steve was, asking her to join 5-0, giving her a chance to put her skills to use on the greater good. She wanted to say yes so badly, but, still, she felt divided. She wasn't sure she could do it.

Joining the team was a tricky situation. On one hand, she really wanted to. She would be able to help them save people and being able to spend more time with Steve and Danny was an added bonus. But on the other hand, joining meant that she would have to break her promise to Danny and that was the last thing she wanted. She decided that she needed to talk to Danny first before accepting or declining Steve's offer.

- "Look, Steve. I appreciate the offer, I really do, but... I have to talk to Danny first before giving you an answer. You know how he feels about me being a hacker, well, retired hacker, and about the promise I made him. I can't just say yes without talking to him first. You understand, right?"

- "Of course. Talk to him. See what he has to say and afterwards, no matter what you decide, let me know." – Steve told her, a smile on his lips.

They gather their things and walked back to the house. Summer excused herself and went to the bathroom to change, their conversation replaying in her mind the whole time. She knew that it would be a hard sell to Danny, but she was really hoping that her brother would be okay with her joining the team.

After getting dressed, and before leaving the bathroom, she texted Danny saying she needed to see him and asking him to meet her at Kamekona's in an hour's time. Walking to the kitchen, she saw that Steve was already there, waiting for her. He passed her a bottle of water and they spend a few minutes just going over her surf lesson.

Summer left soon after, promising Steve that she would give him an answer later that day. She got into her car and drove to Kamekona's. The whole way there, she kept rehearsing what she was going to say to Danny to try and convince him to accept the idea of her joining the team.

She got to Kamekona's and, after parking the car, made her way to the tables. She saw that Danny was already there and walked over to him.

- "Hey, sis. What's going on?" – Danny asked her, hugging her before she took a seat in front of him.

- "There's something I need to talk to you about."

- "If this is about Steve's offer, I already know and agree with Steve. Having you on the team has a lot more benefits than not having you." – Summer was shocked. Could her brother really be okay with her going back to hacking, if they needed?

- "Are you sure, Danny? I mean, I get that most of the time I wouldn't have to hack into anything, but still..."

- "I'm sure, Summer. Besides, it will be fun to work together and having you around." – Danny smiled.

- "If you're sure, Danny. I just don't want to do this and feel like I'm breaking my promise to you."

- "Summer, in the past you have had every opportunity to break that promise and you didn't. And the only time you actually did was because I asked you too. I know what you're capable of and I also know that you are the type of person who would do anything to help everyone around you. This gives you a chance to do just that. So, take the offer. I'm freeing you of your promise." – Danny held her hand and smiled.

When Steve first talked to him about offering a place on the team to Summer, he had been adamant about not wanting her on the team. Not because he didn't trust her, but because he didn't want her to get hurt. But Steve had been very persuasive in telling him all the ways that Summer could help, without even leaving the office.

Basically, she would be their tech support, freeing Kono to spend more time on the field with them. She would also work directly with the lab and would do all the other things that they would usually do in the office, things that consumed time. Time they could've been spending in catching bad guys.

Danny knew Steve was right, no matter how much he hated to admit it to the man. That's why he was giving Summer his blessing. She was an asset to the team, no matter how he looked at it. And as long as she stayed in the office, then he knew he could be okay with her being on the team.

Summer got up and hugged her brother, thanking him for trusting her and for being okay with her joining the team. They spent a few more minutes chit-chatting, before Danny had to leave to go pick up Grace for the weekend. Hugging him one last time, Summer said goodbye to Danny and saw him leave.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Steve's number and waited for him to answer.

- "McGarrett."

- "Hey, Steve. It's Summer."

- "Oh, hey. Is everything okay?"

- "Yeah, everything's fine. Listen, about your offer..."

- "Yeah?"

- "I'd be honored to join 5-0 as the new tech analyst."

- "That's great, Summer. I take that the conversation with Danny went well, then." – Steve had the biggest smile on his face.

- "It did. And you could've told me that you had already spoken with him about it."

- "I thought it would be better this way. So, when can you start?"

- "Well, I need to talk to my current boss about it. But, probably in a week or two. I'll let you know with more certainty once I speak with him."

- "Okay, perfect. It will give me time to have your badge and ID ready. By the way, how good are you with a gun?"

- "Average. Why?" – That caught her off-guard. If she was going to spend all her time in the office, why did she need a gun?

- "Just asking. Okay, listen, let me know when you can start, okay? I gotta run. I have a meeting with the Governor."

- "Okay, no problem. Stay safe. Bye."

- "You too. Bye." – And with that, Summer heard him end the call.

Placing her phone back in her pocket, Summer took a moment to think about how her life was about to change. She was about to become a part of the 5-0 task force. It was something that she had never even imagined to be possible, let alone actually happen.

She started thinking back to that day, just a few weeks ago, when she did what she knew best. Helping the team save those kids, and arresting the hacker that had put them in danger in the first place, gave her this feeling of accomplishment. It felt good knowing she had helped them do that.

Summer knew she was making the right decision. Sure, their job wasn't easy and they saw some pretty gruesome things almost on a daily basis, but she could handle that. Being the daughter of a firefighter and sister of a cop made her stronger than people gave her credit for. She couldn't wait to start her new job.

However, soon, she would discover that this wasn't the only change in her life. There was another one coming and this one had the possibility to ruin a lot of good things.

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