A Fresh Start

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It has been a hard few days. Summer was in a private room and everyday there were visits. Steve never left her side. He has been there since day one, along with Danny. They would take turns in showering in the private bathroom, never being too far away from her. They had decided that one of them would always be with her, in case she would wake up. Neither of them wanted her to wake up alone.

The rest of the team would drop by and stay with them for a while, bringing them food and clothes, until the nurses would ask them to leave. "Too many people.", was what they would tell them. They tried having Steve leave on the first day, but now they knew better than to say anything to him.

Steve was alone in the room with Summer, Danny having gone to the cafeteria to get coffee for them. He was sitting on a chair, by her side, holding and caressing her hand. She had yet to give them a sign that she was waking up and it had been four days since they got there. He was starting to lose hope.

- "Summer, I don't know if you can hear me. I hope you do. They say that when people are in a coma that they can still hear what's going on around them, so I'm hoping that's true and that you can hear me. You have to wake up, Summer. Please, just wake up. We're here, we're all here, waiting for you so we can go eat shrimp at Kamekona's or go surfing." – Steve was crying now. – "You can't leave us like this. You can't leave me like this. Please. I love you Summer. I love you so much, you don't even know. I can't imagine my life without you. You make me want to be better. I just want to be by your side, make you smile and laugh every day. You are my world Summer and without you, I'm nothing. So please, please, come back to us. Come back to me. Please."

Danny was about to walk in the room when he heard Steve talking to Summer. He decided it would be best to just give him a moment, but he couldn't move. He knew that Steve loved his sister, but he had no idea how much. By the sound of it, he was sure that if Summer was to ask him to quit 5-0 and the Navy, he would do it in a heartbeat. But he also knew his sister and he knew that she would never ask that of him.

He heard Steve end his conversation with Summer and waited a few more minutes before going in, carrying their coffees.

- "How is she?" – Danny asked, handing him his coffee.

- "The same."

- "You alright?"

- "Yeah. I'm okay." – Danny could see the redness in Steve's eyes, but didn't say anything about it. He knew the man was suffering as much as he was. It wasn't easy to see someone you love laying in a hospital bed, not being able to wake them up.

It would take a few more days before they would get a sign that everything was going to be alright. Steve was dozing off, his head resting on Summer's bed, her hand in his. He could swear he had felt her hand move. Looking closely at her hands, he saw them twitch again. Calling out for a nurse, startling Danny in the process, he waited while she checked on Summer. The twitching became more pronounced and soon she was responding to commands from the nurse. Both Steve and Danny had tears in their eyes, for just the slight chance that Summer might be waking up was overwhelming.

The nurse asked them to wait outside and called Summer's doctor. Steve started pacing the hallway until Danny stopped him, claiming he would make a hole on the ground if he kept going. It took a few minutes, that felt like hours to both men, until the nurse came outside, wearing a small smile.

- "Is she okay?" – Danny asked, voicing Steve's question.

- "It's looking good, but the doctor will come and talk to you in a little while. He's just finishing up his exam of Summer, making sure everything is okay." – She answered before walking away.

Danny pulled Steve into a bear hug, saying that she was gonna be fine. Steve couldn't help but to smile and let a sigh of relief. That's when fear gripped his heart. "What if she blames me for what happened? What if she hates me for it?", he thought, as he pulled away from the hug.

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