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It's been a year since Summer and Steve had gotten back together. Things had been going great, so much so that six months in Steve asked her to move in with him. They loved each other more each day and things couldn't be better.

They were all enjoying a rare day off, hanging out at Steve and Summer's house, having a barbecue. Everyone was there and having fun. Steve was standing by the shore line when Danny came up to him.

- "This was a nice idea."

- "You can thank Summer for it. She was the one who put it all together."

- "So, how are you guys doing?"

- "Pretty great actually. Who could imagine than when I first met her, we would be here right now?"

- "Not me that's for sure."

- "She makes me happy, Danny. I don't think I've ever been this happy before. Granted, we've had our ups and downs, but... I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Well, aside from her being kidnapped and everything that happened with that."

- "I hear you. I gotta say, I don't think I've ever seen Summer like this. Being with you does her good. She's happy and that's all I can ask for."

- "Danny, I need to ask you something. You know how much I love her and that I would never do anything to hurt her. With that said, I was wondering if you..."

- "Yes, but so help me God, if you hurt her, I will kill you. Got it?" – Danny answered and he could see the look of relief on Steve's face, followed by a smile. – "Do you want me to go get her or do you have something else in mind?"

- "Do you mind? I think she'd love to have everyone here." – And with that, Danny took his leave and went to find his sister.

Danny found Summer happily talking away with Melissa and Renee. Tapping her shoulder, he excused themselves and told her that Steve wanted to see her by the shoreline. Seeing his sister walk away, he knew that her life was never gonna be the same.

Summer stood next to Steve, her arm wrapped in his and her head resting on his shoulder.

- "Danny said you wanted to talk to me?"

- "Yeah. You know I love you right?"

- "Of course. I love you too."

- "And you know I would never do anything to hurt you."

- "I know. Steve what's going on?"

- "I've loved you for so long that it feels like I've loved you my entire life. I wouldn't trade what we have for anything in the world. You're the one for me, Summer, I don't want anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Summer Williams, would you make me the happiest man in the universe and give me the honor to be my wife?" – Steve dropped to one knee and opened the little blue box to reveal a simple solitaire ring.

- "Yes, yes." – Summer had tears in her eyes. Pulling him up, she kissed him, feeling his arms wrap his arms around her waist. Breaking the kiss, Steve grabbed her hand and slid the ring on her finger.

A wave of applause and cheering hit them. Looking over, they saw that everyone had been watching and were now clapping and cheering for them. Making their way back, Summer and Steve were quickly engulfed in congratulatory hugs and kisses. The girls wanted to see the ring while the guys took Steve and gave him a congratulatory beer.

The rest of the day was spent talking about the weeding and what they were going to do. Summer felt her heart fill with love. Looking around, all she saw was people who loved them and who were genuinely happy for them. She glanced at Steve and saw him with the biggest grin ever looking back at her.

"I can't wait for the rest of our lives.", she thought, before turning her attention back to the conversation taking place before her.

", she thought, before turning her attention back to the conversation taking place before her

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