Blast From The Past

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- "Hi, Steve." – They said, a smile on their lips, leaving Steve completely speechless.

In front of him was the last person he thought he would ever see again. Someone he had vowed to completely erase from both his mind and heart.

- "Catherine?" – Steve couldn't believe his eyes. It had been a couple of years since the last time he had seen her.

- "Long time no see, sailor."

- "I could say the same thing. What are you doing here?"

- "I moved back to the island. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

- "Sure, sorry. Come in." – Steve said. Suddenly his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was Summer. He hit the decline button, feeling guilty about standing her up. – "How long have you been back?"

- "Not long. Just a couple of days. Just long enough to unpack and get settled in."

- "Sorry. Just give me a second." – She was looking at his phone as it started ringing again. He quickly typed a message and turned his attention back towards her. – "How've you been?"

- "Good. You?"

- "Good." – The awkwardness in the room was palpable. – "I gotta ask, Catherine. Why are you back?"

- "You."

- "What?"

- "You. You're the reason why I'm back, Steve. I had a lot of time to think about it and to realize that I screwed up. You're the only man I've ever truly loved. And I thought that maybe, just maybe, we could try again. I know I have no right to ask you but I still love you and I really would like to see where we could go."

- "Catherine, I... I don't know what to tell you."

- "Just think about it. My number is still the same, so, call me whenever you want." – Catherine kissed him on the cheek and walked out towards her car, leaving a confused Steve behind.

He knew he should have said that he was with Summer, that he was happy with her, but if he was being honest, seeing Catherine again brought back old feelings. Feelings he thought he had overcome and put behind him. She had had his heart for so many years and knowing that she was back on the island and that there was a chance that they could have a future together was confusing him.

He had fallen for Summer and he had fallen hard, but he wasn't sure if what he felt for her was love or just longing. The longing of wanting someone by his side, of wanting to recapture what he had with Catherine. He knew none of this was fair to Summer and he knew that no matter what he decided, someone was gonna get hurt. He could only hope that, no matter what his decision was, it would be the right one.

Steve looked at his watch and realized he was beyond late for work. He locked the door behind him and got in his truck, making his way towards the palace. The conversation he just had with Catherine was replaying in his mind, every word she said, every word he should've said and didn't. He needed time to sort this out, to sort his own feelings out.

Steve arrived at the palace and before he could walk into the building, he saw Danny walking out.

- "Hey Danny."

- "Hey sleepy head. Glad you could join us. Come on, we got a case."

- "Okay." – That's all he said before getting behind the wheel of Danny's Camaro.

- "Alright. What's going on with you?" – Danny asked, a few minutes later, while still in the car on their way to the latest crime scene.

- "Nothing."

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