The First Step

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Six months have passed since Summer has joined 5-0. In those six months, she has helped them in numerous cases and even got to ride along with them on a few, much to Danny's despair. If it was up to him, she would never leave the office.

But it wasn't just her job that has changed. About five months ago, she started dating someone. He was kind, funny, protective, just and if her brother was to figure out who he was, then they would both be dead. That's right, ladies and gentleman, Summer Williams was now dating Steve McGarrett. They had decided to not tell anyone just yet. Considering that Danny would either have a heart attack or kill them both and sink their bodies in the ocean, that was probably the best decision.

It started very innocently. Having coffee and malasadas before going to the office, grabbing lunch together at Kamekona's, going out for a beer after work, nothing too serious. Until one day, when Steve finally gather enough courage to ask her something he had been wanting to ask her for a while.

It was after a long and boring day of paperwork when he caught up with her just outside the palace and before she got into her car.

- "Hey Summer, hold up."

- "Please don't tell me we caught a case." – Summer said, almost whining, making him chuckle.

- "No, nothing like that. You got a second?"

- "Sure. What's up?"

- "So, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me. As in a date." – Steve was nervous. After all, he didn't know if she felt the same as he did. It could hurt their friendship if she didn't, but he was willing to take that risk.

- "Wait. Just to make sure I understood you correctly. You're asking me out on a date?" – She was baffled, but smiled.

- "Yes, I am. So... Will you go out with me on a date?"

- "Yeah, I mean, I'd love too, Steve." – She answered him, a big smile on her face.

They spent the next few minutes planning what was the best day for them to go on their date and both agreed that Friday was the best day since they would, hopefully, have the weekend off. After that was sorted out, they said their goodbyes and Summer got in her car and drove home.

She couldn't believe it. Steve had asked her out. She felt giddy and happy and couldn't wait for Friday to arrive. That's when she thought about Danny. What would he say if he found out that she was going on a date with Steve? He would be pissed; she knew that much.

See, it wasn't because it was Steve. Danny would have the same reaction no matter who it was. It was because he was in law-enforcement and a Navy Seal on top of that. Danny just didn't want her to go through what their mother and his ex-wife had gone through with their dad and with him. The long hours, the not knowing if they were coming home, the fear that would course through them every time the phone rang. He just didn't want that for her and she understood that. But she also understood that you have no control over who your heart chooses to fall for. "Shit! I fell for him. How did that happen?", she thought, realization hitting her like a ton of bricks, as a smile appeared on her lips.

The week seemed to pass by at a slower pace than normal, making Summer more nervous than she should actually be. Soon, Friday had finally arrived and all throughout the day Summer couldn't shake the nervous feeling she was having, anticipation running through her body. She was thankful that all they did all day was paperwork. She wasn't sure she could focus on a case if they had one.

As soon as it was time to go home, Summer grabbed her things and made her way to her car, saying goodbye to everyone, anxious to get home so she could get ready. She had asked Steve if she should wear anything in particular and all he said was to wear something nice. She had no idea where he was taking her and she couldn't wait to find out.

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