Please, God

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TW: Mentions Of Torture

Another day, another case, another pile of paperwork. For Summer, it felt like the past two years have been a repetition of the same thing over and over again. Don't get her wrong, she loves her job, well, aside from the paperwork. Still, for the last two years not much has changed. She's still working with 5-0, her brother still freaks out when she has to go on the field, the team is still ohana to her and she's still just friends with Steve.

After their conversation, where he asked her for a second chance and she kindly refused, they had been building their friendship back up. It was awkward in the beginning, with them trying to get back to where they were before, but with time, eventually, they got there. And now it felt like things had never changed.

But, even though things between Steve and Summer were great, the same couldn't be said for Steve. For a while now that he had been fighting an old enemy. An enemy that stayed, for the most part, in the shadows, but whom he knew very well. His name? Wo Fat.

Steve was driving himself crazy, he knew it, but when there were threats being made against every member of his team, including Summer, he didn't care. He needed to find and stop him before he followed through on his threats. In hindsight, he should've guessed that Wo Fat would come after the one he cared about the most, but hindsight is always 20/20 in situations like these.

Summer had just pulled out of her driveway on her way to the palace when she noticed the black SUV following her. At first she didn't give it much thought, assuming it must've been someone who was lost and trying to find a way downtown. But when she saw that the car didn't had plates on, she knew something was wrong. Taking a few consecutive left turns, she saw the SUV showing up behind her every time. She decided that she needed to let someone know what was going on, just in case.

- "McGarrett."

- "Hey, it's me. I think I might be in trouble."

- "What's wrong?" - She could hear the concern in his voice.

- "I got a tail and I can't shake it off."

- "Where are you?"

- "Getting to Tusitala Street, near the Waikiki Lei Apartments."

- "I'm on my way. Stay with me. What can you tell me about them?"

- "Black SUV, no plates, at least two men inside, might be asi..."

Just as Summer is about to give him the description of the two men, a loud crashing sound was heard through the speaker of his phone. Both Steve and Danny could hear the sound of metal hitting metal, glass shattering and a women screaming, all the while they were calling out to her. Summer was screaming. That sound was more terrifying than all the others put together. And then abruptly the call ended.

Steve drove as fast as he possible could, but by the time he got to Summer's last location, it was too late. She was already gone. The sight before him made his stomach turn and he knew Danny wasn't much better. Her car was on the side of the road, the back door on the driver's side completely pushed in, the windows on that side both shattered as well as the rearview window. And then there was the one thing that neither of them wanted to see: blood. There was blood on the steering wheel and a trail that went away from her car and then stopped abruptly. She was taken.


A few minutes before...

Summer heard it before she felt it. The screeching of tires, an engine revving and then the hit. The SUV hit her side of the car and she heard the windows on that side shattering. The force was immense, making her car hit a parked car, stopping abruptly. Bashing her head in the steering wheel, she immediately felt the blood dripping and a dizziness overcoming her.

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