Chapter One - Happy News

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1st August 2011

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of his daughter Princess Aurora to Mr William Moseley.

The wedding will take place in Summer 2012. Further details about the wedding will be announced in due course.

Princess Aurora and Mr Moseley became engaged in late June during a private holiday to New Zealand. Princess Aurora and Mr Moseley have informed the Queen and other close members of both families. Mr Moseley has also sought permission from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.

The Couple will live in St Andrews while the Princess finishes her university studies concluding in Spring 2012.

Royal Engagement! Aurora and William to marry! Narnia couple to wed!

That is what came out when it was first announced and the papers got a hold of it. The tv anchors were a little more creative. The next day was a press roll call news outlets creating a sea of journalists, cameramen and photographers. Liam and I walked out arm in arm into the gardens to the east of the castle and the flashes began. It wasn't as intense from the footage I saw when     William and Catherine did it. I was wearing the yellow dress I had done for the pictures with a open cream coat. The two of us waved as my engagement ring was on full show.

For ten minutes we stood there pictures and video taken up to five journalist asking questions before it ended. Then with another wave we headed back inside and met with Sir Trevor McDonald.

"Your Royal Highness. Mr Moseley" he bowed his head to me and I held out my hand

"It's nice to see you again, properly this time." I laughed a little "Thank you for coming out of retirement."

"Who could pass up on such a humble request." Liam then shook his hand as I removed my coat and Liam took it hand handed it off.

"When we were talking about the interview we wanted someone who was comfortable in the setting and who made us comfortable it was a unanimous choice." Liam added as we were then handed microphone and packs

"I'm glad you trusted me with such a conversation." I was helped with fixing the mic in place and Liam did the same then the three of us sat down.

"Rolling." came from behind the camera.

"Aurora and William, first let me offer my congratulations at the news of your engagement." he began

"Thank you." we both said at the same time then glanced at each other and laughed.

"I think the first question on everyones mind was, William where and when did you propose to Aurora." Trevor gestured between the two of us

"I proposed just over a month ago on holiday in New Zealand. At Cathedral cove which is where Aurora surprised me on set while I was in the early stages of filming a few years back. I thought it was very poetic that I surprised her in the same place." Liam answered and I giggled slightly

"Yes it was very romantic and a perfect symmetry."

"And you obviously said yes."

"With all my heart. That was after the initial shock." I rested a hand to my heart and then lowered it.

"Had you been planning it for a while? What was running through your mind not only proposing to the woman you love but a Princess of the United Kingdom?"

"well Aurora has always been more than a Princess to me. But i had been planning it for a while, but like you said Aurora is a Princess which means there are a few extra steps one has to take in a proposal like this. I learnt that very early on mainly with our friendship and later on with our relationship. But it was all worth it to be there in that moment have have her accept."

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