Chapter Eight - Paving her way

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Please note that the survivors foundation is a made up foundation for the purpose of this story. If you are anyone you know is struggling with something, please use resources on the internet, local library or a emergency service location. There is help out there and everyone is deserving of it. Much love to you all.


It was the night of the charity gala. Liam and I had travelled back down to London and were now getting ready back at our Kensington apartment. We were due to leave in exactly five minutes. I came out of the bedroom seeing Liam there with a familiar face.

"James!" I chime "I feel like i haven't seen you in ages, what happened?" I chimed happy to see my unusual body guard. but my happiness was short lived by the expression on his face "What is it?"

"It's my son Jospeh, he completed his training as you know and went over sea's he has done a few tours. but there was a incident. One that I couldn't return to work for." he explained

"What kind of incident? Is he okay?"

"Joseph was injured. He's fine now but he's been given a honourable discharge."

"James, we're so sorry. If there is anything we can do?" Liam offered but James shook his head in denial.

"He's better enough for me to return here. But he's thinking of his option on what to do next. If anything." he let out a breath then straightened himself up. One of the things about James he would be vulnerable for about five minutes before his stiff upper lip came back into play.

"Please let him know he will always have a place here. Maybe he can follow in your footsteps. Protecting the royal family, if he's anything like you, he would make a fantastic addition." I voice sincerely

"Thank you, Miss Aurora." he bowed his head "The car is waiting outside for you." I nodded and he lead the way out. We got into the car and were driven away.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Liam

"A little, if I'm honest. We've been out plenty of times but this just feels different. Is that weird?" he wondered glancing at me.

"Not at all. I would be surprised if you weren't nervous. This is our first official engagement. But don't worry, I'll be right here." I rest my hand on his and he lets out a deep breath. About 15 minutes later. We arrive. Liam get's out first and I come around to join him. Though he was out of the car before me He stayed where he was and waited till I came around. I met with the directors and heads of the charity. Shaking their hands and they gave their respective greeting.

Glancing back Liam was doing brilliantly. After that we were escorted inside to meet those who needed our helping, benifactors and journalists. We mingled around the reception, both together and apart. Liam got into the swing of things. We settled down to have food and then it was time for my speech.

"Please welcome the co founder and royal patron Her Royal Highness the Princess Aurora." there was applause as i stood up and made my way over and up to the stage and behind the podium with speech in hand.

"I would like to thank each and every one of you personally for coming here this evening." I began speaking but also signing for those who couldn't hear "Sadly that wouldn't be a gala but a PR nightmare." there was a chuckle

"In all honestly it means a lot not only to me, but to those who will benefit from tonights donations and payments from the auction. The Survivors Foundation started of as questions, following my car crash by a drunk driver I was in a coma for two months. I woke up on a day of meaning, but after that I wondered what came next. The trauma for me wasn't getting injured but it laid in the fact of the unknown. That morning I came out of the hospital wave to the crowds and journalists outside and went to do what I have done more than a thousand times.

Who knew walking to a car, getting in, putting on a seatbelt, and sitting back could be so terrifying. The car door closed behind me and I had first experience of having a panic attack. I couldn't breath, I was burning up, the word was a blur. Deciding very quickly that this was not normal for me, that I have never lived like this nor should I have to, made me reach out for help.

I learned a lot, through having physical therepy for my wrist to mental health help. The word trauma is a word we can share together. it us a umbrella that we fit under huddled as one. But I found that there were holes in this umbrella. little ones that to the untrained eye like i had been at one point, no one noticed. If they did, there was little to be done about it. Services are spread thin, you need emergency help, before the emergency.

For the past four years, between everything life had pointed in my direction. I've stopped to learn, to explore. Become knowledgable and gather those that are. Come up with a plan to help. Yes trauma is a word we can share but like the think pieces of metal and the waterproof covering of an umbrella, trauma has a lot of expansions. For me it was a car accident. For others it's sexual assault, domestic abuse, child abuse, weapon crime, terror attacks, the list is endless. At any given moments we can be survivors of others stories or of our own. We all need that helping hand to reach out and say I'm here, I will always be here. I will be your best friend, your confidant, your worrior, comrade, mother, fathers, sister, brother. Family, Champion. I will be what you need me to be, so that you the individual, the family unit can essentially kick that trauma right where it hurts and say 'You will not hurt me anymore.'

The Survivors foundations are for those who are survivors but those who want to survive, that spec of a second where you think no. Again thank you everyone for coming tonight and enjoy the rest of your evening." I finished sign and everyone stood up clapping as i made my way off the stage. After my speech was the auction with donations made by various sponsors and it came out to be a roaring success. Now the nitty gritty work could begin.

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