Chapter Five- Brothers to the rescue

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-3rd Person-

Liam didn't know what to do. He was honestly at a loss as to what to do with Aurora. She had wrapped herself up in her studies, like it had become a cocoon and all consuming. Any time he tried to approach anything about the wedding in the past month and a bit, it seemed to set of a argument. Either that or Aurora ignored him. He had tried speaking to Melissa but even she was knocking on the brick wall that was Aurora Wales.

"Roe." he tried for the umpteenth time, he would keep trying until something gave. Good or bad he wouldn't fall at this bump in the road "We need to talk." he sighed as she was typing furiously on her laptop with pen behind her ear and a determined expression.

"It's been over a month, Lucille and Anastasia are saying your not replying to their e-mails. We haven't made a decision about the wedding, you're not even picking out a designer for the dress." Aurora stopped typing and for a moment he thought he was getting somewhere.

"Will you please get off my back." she huffed turning to him "Just drop it already." she slapped her laptop shut and got up.

"Aurora, what's the matter? Talk to me."

"This! This is what's the matter. Suffocating me, I can't breathe. I can't think. Just, please will everyone just leave me alone. Stop bugging me." She ran into the bedroom and slammed the door. Then she put a chair behind the door. Liam went to follow her and open the door but he couldn't.

"Aurora. Please. Please let me in." she didn't answer his head gave a soft thud against the door. Then he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts and pressed enter walking away from the door. It rang out a couple of times before there was a answer

"Hey, Liam."

"Will. I need your help." he sighed glancing back at the door.


William and Harry dropped what they were doing to travel up to Scotland together. When Liam called Will telling him what was going on. He then got on the phone to Harry. They arrived in Scotland by the end of the day and then picked up a few things on the way. The two brothers pulled up to the gate and were let in by Liam on the other end. The door was open and they walked straight in.

"Thank you, guys. I don't know what's going on, neither does Melissa. She won't talk to either of us. She just buries herself in work, argues." Liam didn't know what to do, in all their years of friendship or relationship, sure they had their tifs but he was at a loss on this one.

"No, we get it. Contrary to popular belief, she's not indestructible." Harry assured his future brother in law "She gets overwhelmed, its rare. But a switch just flicks in her head sometimes."

"Yeah I can't remember the last time it happened but we quickly learnt what helps her get out of this rut." Will added

"What's that?" Liam wondered "Maybe I can try it if theres a next time."

"Brothers, kfc and Legally Blonde." The two listed off and Liam nodded 

"Two out of three seems okay, is there anything you need me to do?" he questioned hoping that he could do at least something as to not feel helpless anymore.

"Admin. I had all the emails forwarded to you. It's not much but hopefully once Roes is clear headed again you two can get bak to planning." Liam nodded it was something and it was better than nothing.

"She's first door on the left, chair behind so she'll need to let you in." the men nodded and headed off to help their sister. The two headed upstairs, William glanced at Harry before knocking on the door.

"Go away!" Aurora shouted

"Roe it's us. Will and Harry." Harry called through the door, the two heard footsteps and then a drag of the chair from behind the door before it opened softly and their sister peeked out. "We brought the basics."

"Aren't the two of you supposed to be in London?" Aurora asked them

"No, we're supposed to be here, for you. Liam called us so here we are." Will replied "Come sis, let us in." he encouraged. Aurora didn't move at first, after a few moments she stepped back opening the door. The two entered and turned around as Aurora closed the door behind them. Harry went to the tv and dvd player and set up the disc. Will didn't say anything just pulled his sister into a hug. Aurora relaxed and hugged him tighter.

"it's ready." Harry stated and the turned. Both boys took of their shoes and coat putting them to one side. The sat on the floor in front of the bed and opened the share box . "Oh glasses. i'll be right back." Harry ran off and looked around seeing the kitchen he flipped through the cupboards and found cups which was close enough so he took three upstairs and poured the drinks out as the tree got under a blanket and sat watching legally blonde while eating.

"I'll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be." Aurora recited and hand something to drink while dancing alone to the music the scene came with. Harry and Will looked at each other with a smile, then turned back to the film. When the film finished. Aurora's back thudded against the ottoman at the end of her bed.

"I did it again didn't I?" she groaned closing her eyes for a moment

"Trying to plan a wedding is stressful. Doing it of your final year of university work is a whole other level." Will assured her

"But that's why you have Liam to help, but he doesn't know what to do with a royal wedding. So he kind of needs you if he's not going to be dancing on his own at your wedding reception." Harry tried to joke a little making her smile a little. She then wrapped her arms around her brothers and pulled them into a hug. She then got up and washed her hands before heading downstairs and into the office where Liam was busy.

"I'm sorry." she declared making him look up "For getting stuck." he stood up from what he was doing.

"As long as your okay now." the two hugged each other tight as Will and Harry looked on giving a small fist pump to each other that the had corrected the course of things and that their sister was back on track. To them all was right in the world when their sister was happy.

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