Chapter Four - A little panic

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"Clarence house has released a statement that the wedding between Princess Aurora and William Moseley will take place on Sunday the 1st of July which would have been Diana, Princess of Wales 51st birthday."

I had just over 10 months, to plan a wedding, no big deal right? I can totally juggle school and planning a wedding. I had my great fiancee, My family, Liam's family and Lucille. After Liam and I locked down a date and a venue, we took three weeks to just enjoy being engaged before school and wedding planning got in the way. September rolled around quickly and we were back in St Andrews and I was back in university.

"Rory!" Melissa squealed running over to me. Oh thank god she was here. Literally I needed old life right now.

"Melissa." I wrapped her up in a tight hug. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you right now."

"Rory." she pulled away "Congratulations. You're getting married!" she jumped up and down

"Okay, will you please be chill please, just be chill." She stopped but still kept the broad smile on her face.

"We have got to talk about practically everything. I purposefully did not watch the interview so you can tell me all about it." She draped her arm around me and we headed inside. We talked at length in the cafeteria. She told me about her summer how it was horrible because she broke up with her girlfriend. But then when I called her telling her that I was going to get married, she perked right back up again.

"I just had this feeling it was going to happen for you, you two are just with and for each other."

"Really cause now i'm starting to panic." I smiled sorrowfully

"What why?" she cooed

"My Mum got married young and look how that turned out. You know I never remember a time they weren't separated. That all I knew and then like eight years later he's remarried. I know that I have grown to like Camilla, but it still hurts sometimes. Even though Dad has apologised. I'm scared it's going to happen to me." I whisper

"Oh sweetie. No. Okay come with me." she glanced around the stood up pulling me with her back to our old dorm. She sat be down on the vacant bed, shut and locked the door "listen to me Aurora. You are not your mother." she crouched down in front of me

"You aren't. Let me give you the hard brutal truth that everyone realises now. It should have never have happened. Plain and simple, it shouldn't. However on the flip side, neither you or your brothers would be here and that is a very bleak and shitty world, let me tell you. Let me also be brutal again because you need to hear it. Your mother lost her shit, she did she got suckered into a hell and it broke her, no scratch that it annihilated her, made her do some fucked up stuff. She became a boss bitch way to late. Sure she did a tone of stuff that made her memorable and helped people but fuck did she get that shit together a little to late.

You are not like her, sure you have the extraordinary blonde hair. And the way to make people at ease just naturally. But you are you because you take everything life throws at you, and make it into a strength. You found a guy who loves you to pieces, who would move heaven and earth for you. Honey you are a survivor. Roe you woke up and walked out of that hospital in front of everyone, stood tall and refused to let that drunken piece of ass ruin you. Don't you ever think for one second your going to end up the same way."

"How could you possibly know."

"Because I know you!" she exclaimed "from toddlers, i have been by your side through your shit times. I know." I let out a breath and rest my head on her shoulder.


I stared at the dozens of e-mails from Lucille about various parts of the wedding planning. Then there was e-mails from Anastasia about future household staff for Liam and I. Congratulations from a lot of people and questions from others. Slamming my laptop shut I cover my face sighing.

A million things to do and i had no idea where to even start, what should be my priority? They both should obviously but I didn't know right from left. My head hurt and my brain went into throwing itself a pity party. I grabbed my text book and began reading them and making notes. Eventually I moved to the sofa and had the fire place on and a mug of hot chocolate.

Liam came and joined me wrapping me up in his embrace. I felt comfort as I carried on studying. He soon started watching TV while I kept silent and concentrated. Moving on to my thesis I drowned myself in studies.

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