Chapter Twelve - Included

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-May 2012-

The time had finally come for me to graduate after four years and so many memories. I stood nervously waiting to be called up. Granny, Grandpa, Dad, Camilla, William, Kate, Harry and Liam. They had all come to watch me graduate. I held my graduate hood.

"Aurora Wales" my name was called and I walked forward handing my hood over and then kneeling so i could revive my certificated and the hood was placed over me. I smiled and shook hands before standing back up and walking off, briefly glancing up at my family and giving them a wave.

"Melissa Woodcroft." I stood and watched as Melissa graduated and was given her hood and diploma. She then joined me and we grinned at each other. After graduation I found my family who were cheering as I came over and I hugged them.

"I'm so glad you could make it. Though I do feel a little bad you've all take up an entire row." I chuckled

"Well they can give us this, it's not often a new member graduates university." Camilla joked "Your father even shed a tear."

"Awh, Dad." I kissed his cheek "love you too." 

"I brought the camera so we can do official pictures." Catherine held her camera up and I took pictures with everyone I think there might have been at least twenty. Before we all departed.

-June 2012-

Granny always knew how to surprise me, honestly she did. Most of the jubilee celebrations fell before our wedding. But Granny was nice enough to invite and include Liam on some of the events. Well three main events the river pageant, the remembrance service and The Concert out side the palace. Catherine, Will, Harry, Liam and I all arrived together on the cold and wet river pageant day.

"I'm glad i changed my outfit at the last minute. It's freezing." I grumbled "Lord knows why it picks today of all days to do this." The others laughed as we greeted well wishers I was handed a small bouquet

"Thank you." and gave them a wave before going the others. I handed the flowers to Anastasia. And shook hands more with the organisers

"I can't believe your grandmother allowed me to come for some of these events." We were lead down to the royal barge.

"Well, Granny knows that this year was complicated and coincidence played its part heavily. this is to show that despite the hectic and complicated year, reign or no reign you are apart of the family. Besides next year you'll be able to go to all the events you couldn't this year. And by the time the olympics come around you'll be sitting right beside me in the royal box." I smile and we stepped on. It was no more than five minutes of observing the decorated barge before granny, grandpa, Dad and Camilla arrived on board from a different boat.

We gave our respective greeting to her and then watched as the boat for the pageant pass us. Giving them little waves here and there.

"How many boats are there?" Liam wondered

"Lots and Lots." I smirked back.

"Aurora, darling." Dad called and I turned my attention to him "Your grandmother is asking for you."

"Okay." I headed over to her and grandpa where the two were talking when I came up beside her."

"Aurora my dear. You look especially warm for todays festivities." i kissed her cheeks

"I decided on my second outfit. I hope you don't mind but the last thing I need to to catch a cold or worse before the wedding. Grandpa." he kissed my head

"Understandable. How is your young man doing?" she glanced over at Liam.

"It's a bit of a shock, he still hasn't gotten past that you were kind enough to invite him to such event before the wedding. He's grateful and in awe." I smile softly

"Yes all I know you had a limited choice of wedding days during this year. What with school, jubilee and olympics. I wanted him to feel included he will be fully soon anyway." She replied

"We're both thankful."

"Well best not leave him on his own too long, not until he gets his bearings." I chuckled and left their side returning to Liam's. 2:15 we drift away and set on behind the pageant of boats Liam was talking with Catherine.

"Hey, we were just talking about our family being able to join the pageant as well, look" he point to the boat the Moseley's and Middleton's were on the Elizabethan. We made our way down talking with other members of the family and waving to the crowds. We would switch sides giving the royal wave to spectators.

We heard the cheers loudly was we were go under each bridge from where we started all the way to tower bridge which was our final destination.

"So how long is the procession from beginning to end?" Liam wondered

"1 hours and 35 minutes." he raised a eyebrow "I know my stuff." I wink at him. We passed the national theatre where the cast of War Horse put on a little show as we sailed past.

"That amazing." I laugh staring up at the top of the theatre where the man controlled horse practically saluted to my grandmother. Anne and Andrew were manning their own boats for the pageant Eugenie and Beatrice were with their father, Sophie, Edward and Louise were on another. Time came eventually as we heard tower bridge and HMS Belfast nearing the end of the journey. Tower bridge was raised for royal salute, the two middle parts went all the way up. and then we were turned to dock with HMS President.

"I feel the need to do some on spot jogging to warm myself up." I joked with my brothers, Catherine and Liam doing a little imitation. "Do you remember when we used to run all over Kensington, it would drive Mum crazy."

"Yes she walked to catch you." Harry pointed to me.

"Only cause I was the youngest and had little legs. You two always had an advantage on me."

"Your highness." Anastasia cleared her throat and I turned as she held out gloves and a scarf. Despite wearing more warmer clothing I was still cold

"Oh, thank you." i wrapped my scarf around and slipped on my gloves. We were officially docked for the rest of the pageant and were waving at the rest of the boat coming past us. By this point the rain really picked up. I felt really bad for the philharmonic orchestra and the singers who were soaking through by the time the got to us. I stood between my grandpa and Liam. as the orchestra and spoken singers. as one point grandpa knocks my arm making me look at him as he was bopping along to the up beat of the music they were playing. Laughing I joined in. Grandpa offered me his hand and I took it as he lifted it up and gestured for me to do a small jig around him. When I came back fun circle the two of us couldn't help but roar with laughter. Then clapped when it finished.

"Grandpa your incorrigible." I shook my head in amusement "One of these days you'll get me into serious trouble." we place at Granny who enjoyed our little spectacle.

"I doubt that very much." the intro for the national anthem sobered us up as we stood respectfully and began signing. After there was a fireworks display.


After the pageant on the following days Liam and I attended the concert and the thanksgiving service together. It was rare that I was in St Pauls but anytime I was I got goosebumps so I chose to remember the concert last night, which was fun dancing in our seat and singing along to all the artist along with love and laughter.

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