Chapter Fourteen - Finally Here

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-June 30th-

The eve of the wedding with Will and I watched from Clarence house people gather and set up tent for the night to be first hand witnesses tomorrow. It was announced that I would leave from the palace to the abbey but tonight I would spend my last night before marrying in Clarence House.

"Look," I turned to Melissa and Catherine, pointing to the crowd gathering outside

"They must be freezing." Catherine replied

"it's only going to get colder." I looked back through the window "Melissa, James. Anastasia" I called my longtime friend and bodyguard and my lady in waiting.

"Yes Miss Aurora." I turned round to face them fully.

"Can you arrange for some hot drinks, tea, coffee, hot chocolate to be given out to those who have started arriving." I looked to Anastasia who smiled softly.

"Of course your highness" I then addressed James

"I would also like to make a appearance to those close to the house." I told him even though I knew he wasn't going to be fond of the idea. It was still something that I wanted to do.


"Please James." He nodded and the two left. I dressed in something simple jeans, t-shirt, Cardigan and boots with my hair tied back. We left later and walked out onto the streets.

"It's the Princess!" Someone yelled, as people saw me approach they cheered and I smiled waving. Anastasia handed me my mega phone.

"Hello." they cheered louder

"Thank you, gosh you must be freezing, I'm just wearing this and I'm still cold." I paused.

"It's not the usual to come out before the final hour but I have been seeing you gather here all day and I just could not stay in there and not say thank you. Some hot drinks are coming round to warm you all up." they cheered and clapped again as I went around giving thanks to everyone that had turned up.

"What does the dress you like?" One asked


"Are you excited?"

"Beyond excited." I shook their hands and spoke with a few I noticed a little girl at the end.

"Hello, what's you're name" I crouched down to face her she looked about 9 or 10


"That is a beautiful name. Do you live in London?" she nodded

"Is this your first Royal wedding?"

"Yes, I wasn't old enough to come down last time."

"Well I'm happy that you get to see it this time." She handed me red rose

"For luck."

"Thank you. Alexandra." I took the mega phone again "Before I head back inside, I hope you all have a decent nights sleep and at some point along the way have a good view of all of tomorrows festivities. Thank you, again." I handed the megaphone back an We entered back inside.

"That was nice of you." Camilla smiled.



"Wakey Wakey, sleepy head." Kate drew back the curtains. I groaned and rolled over.

"Five more minutes." I grumbled

"So you don't want to get married to day then." I shot up with a grin.

"I'm getting married today! Okay. I'm up." I ran out of my room and to have some breakfast. Then we all made the short drive round to the back of the palace, to get ready. The Tv was already on BBC. Talking about the upcoming wedding.

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