Chapter Two - Ahead we must

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The love from the people responding to our announcement was overwhelming with support and love. As expected, since our announcement, the press stepped up their game in being anywhere and everywhere. For the next month I would be juggling wedding plans and getting ready for my final year. I had my interview for working with the royal collection. To say they were surprised when the princess turned up thinking it would be Miss Anne Jones was a understatement. After the initial shock, they interviewed me like another candidate.

So by the time I marry I will have two masters under my belt with a option to aim for a PHD in my field. But that was getting a little bit ahead. Anyway, Liam and I were talking about the wedding, trying to get a few things set down before I became super busy again. I was writing down idea's.

"This is all well a good, but we still haven't selected between St Georges or Westminster. Having a July wedding is meaningless with no where to have it." I voiced tucking my feet in. "That what we should be deciding."

"Well why don't we visit both properly, not at the wedding of some one else." he suggested

"Okay, I'll call Anastasia and she can set it up. We also need to talk about you having a private secretary. When we marry, Ana will become mine full time but you need one as well." I glance at him.

"Any suggestions? Can Ana help in any way?"

"Yeah I can ask. But you need a private secretary first, they and Ana can work everything with my schooling, your working, our engagements and wedding planning. Also at the end of this month I want you to meet my mother." he smiled softly and kissed my head

"I would be honoured."

"Great, now i need to talk with Anastasia. I'll be in the office." I get up and walk away to make plans and go through things. She was going to set up tours of both places while empty.

"Miss Aurora, I've also asked the royal wedding planner to visit you the day after next around 1:00 she'll be going around with you and Mr William. She is being briefed by your father and Her Majesty as we speak."

"Okay. Oh Ana can you send a list and portfolios over with candidates for Liam's secretary" I check that of my list of topics to talk about."

"Can do. Oh and i've also secured the lease for the house in St Andrews and cleared it with security. I was told to inform you that James was returning after his time away." That made me smile. James had requested time off to spend with his family. It had been a couple of months and he was very much refreshed and ready to return which i was happy about.

"That's great. Thank you Ana." I hung up and went back out "Okay Ana is gonna tell me when she's got the venues free, the wedding planner will be here tomorrow and James is coming back." I chime flopping back down on the sofa.

"Happy news for you."



There was a knock on the door and I went to open it. There stood roughly 5'10 woman with blonde hair and a know it all attitude. She dipped into a deep curtsy.

"Your Royal Highness. I am Marianne Dubois royal wedding planner to your family." I raised my eyebrow as she stayed there

"Erm...hi." She rose back up and stood tall and proud

"I was sent here by your grandmother and father to plan the most elustrioius wedding befitting a Princess of the United Kingdom and it's commonwealth lands and territories." Oh heaven above she was a snob. Lord save me.

"Please come in." I stepped aside and I'm surprised she fit her ego through the door I nearly felt suffocated by it. I lead her through to where William was waiting.

"Liam, this is Marianne Dubious the wedding planner." I pulled a face of worry and dislike as I went to stand by his side. He returned the look with concern but quickly flashed into a smile.

"I'm William nice to meet you." he held his hand out and she gave it a menial shake like not even a proper hand grip, shook it by the fingers. There was another knock at the door

"Oh that will be my assistant Lucille." William went to get it and in came this mousy brown hair demur woman jugging four founders

"Lucille, where have you been, girl?" I raised my eyebrow "You were supposed to be right behind me."

"Sorry Ms Dubouis. Your Highness. Mr Moseley" she gave a shaky curtsy "Lucille Munroe"

"They don't care, put down the files and please take notes." Duboius was rude and it urked me. This was supposed to be the best wedding planner? She did William and Kate's wedding? "Now your highness I have already drown up plans that would be bigger and spectacular that both your parents and your brothers wedding. St Pauls Cathedral a connection to your mother."

"Actually we were thinking between St Georges or Westminster." William voiced

"Oh heavens no, we're talking about the only daughter of the future King of England that simply won't do."

"Actually Ms Dubois her majesty did say that is what they wanted. I even created a file...."

"That's enough Lucille" she sneered at the young girl

"No that's enough Ms Dubois." I snapped and she turned her head sharply to me "In under five minutes you been here, you've degraded your intern, looked at my fiancee like he wasn't fit enough to clean your boots, completely ignored what you've been told and disrespect three different royals." her jaw literally dropped

"I don't know how you managed to handle my brothers wedding, but you certainly won't be handling ours. I will be speaking to my grandmother about this and on pure principle alone my brothers will be the last wedding you will ever handle for my family. i suggest you leave"

"Your Highness."

"Out. Now!" I order pointing to the door and she got up and smoothed out her skirt. i looked at Liam who had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Very Well. Lucille."

"Miss Munroe, please stay. Liam if you could show Ms Dubois out." Liam nodded silently and he did so. I walk over to the folders and scan through four of them two were about St Pauls another were the about Westminster and St Georges. I sat down looking over them.

"Lucille please, sit down."

"Your Highness?" I look up as Liam returns coming to sit next to me. Gesturing to the seat across from us. She did so and crossed her legs.

"I went over your resume that was attached to Ms Dubois. You've been working for her for 3 years?" I glance back down flicking through the file.

"Yes your..."

"Miss Aurora. That is how those who will be in my or rather our Employment address us. I learnt a while ago that on the other end you and tutored in showing respect, I would not want you to go completely against it." she still looked stunned "3 years."

"Yes...Miss Aurora." i nod and show Liam the file that i was holding then

"How many weddings have you actually planned under that dreadful woman?" I wonder

"Ugh around 20. Miss Aurora why am i still here? Ms Dubois...."

"Is no longer your employer. I am, client and employer. I like the mock ups I see in those folders, I assume since Dubois was one track minded, you sat in and listened. That already puts you in my good books. Coming in you addressed the both of us with the same amount of respect. That makes you my new best friend. And when you leave here I will have a pass issued to your for the remainder of our contract. It will be with you before days end."

"I don't understand."

"She's saying you've landed your fist solo role to your first important wedding." Liam clarified "To which I agree."

"Our first stop will be St Georges Chapel, they've closed it down for a couple of hours tomorrow and then it will be on to Westminster. Your fist job is helping us finally chose between the two. Be at Windsor for 10, okay?"


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